Denise Culley is the author of SoulMate Map and Dating Isn’t Scary When You Know These Secrets. She is the founder of Soulmateplan.com, a relationship site dedicated to educating women about love. Her mission is to empower women to see their own worth, raise their standards for how to be loved, and teach them how to “Pick” better partners.
Denise has years of experience as a love educator and coach. She and her husband Emmett started Relationships 123, the parent company to SoulMate Plan. Leading “Inspired Relationships” programs, she helped many couples achieve the relationships of their dreams, reconciling marriages on the verge of divorce and helping other couples take their marriage to new levels of happiness.
“Ten years ago, I had a history of dating disappointments and disasters,” Culley said. “Once my eyes were opened, I felt compelled to share these insights with my friends. After they were marveled by these new insights and success with men and relationships, they were compelled to share with their friends.”
“Suddenly I was hosting courses in my home,” Culley said. “This grew very quickly to being invited to lead workshops in six cities across the country using our special approach to teaching.”
“I help women discover old, ‘bankrupt’ patterns and replace them with new ones that bring immediate change. I believe women’s enlightened understanding about men and their role as a partner is the key to significantly reduce the divorce rate and unhappy unions.” Continue reading “Featured Author: Denise Culley”