The Blog Nobody Wanted to Publish (Except Indies Unlimited)

I’ve written a couple of articles for a local newspaper over the past few months. They have a large circulation, and they’re a cutting-edge newspaper, so it’s been very cool to see my name on their site. After attending a self-publishing fair recently I submitted an article to them. They passed, and so did one of their competitors. It might be the quality of the content or it might be the content itself. I’ll let you be the judge. Indies Unlimited stepped up and published it and I’m very thankful to them. Here it is in its entirety. Continue reading “The Blog Nobody Wanted to Publish (Except Indies Unlimited)”

Kobo Revisited

On March 6, I was fortunate to be in the audience at the Stratford Public Library when Mark Lefebvre, the Director of Self Publishing and Author Relations at Kobo, spoke at a panel discussion on electronic publishing. Aware that he would be coming, I asked my Indie friends if they had any specific questions for him. Continue reading “Kobo Revisited”

Helping You Stay a #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon … or … Part II of Helping you become a #1 Bestselling Author

A year ago, I wrote about Amazon categories in this space. It has gone on to be one of my most viewed posts over the past year. A recent conversation has led me to resurrect the post. If you didn’t see it, you can find it here.

To summarize that article, I laid out a step-by-step procedure to develop the best category for your book on Amazon that will help it show up on the bestseller lists. You have control over that process. It takes a little bit of time and research, but, in the end, it will help you become more recognizable and (I hope) sell more books. Continue reading “Helping You Stay a #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon … or … Part II of Helping you become a #1 Bestselling Author”

K.S. Brooks on So Dream Something

Recently, our own K.S. Brooks was hosted by Ken La Salle on his podcast show, So Dream Something. During the fifty-minute interview, they discuss photography, living in the wilderness, writing, and an eclectic range of other topics. In the segment below, Kat talks about her own journey in moving between traditional and indie publishing and the differences she saw between those worlds:

K.S. Brooks talks about her experience in transitioning to indie

You can listen to the whole interview here:

So Dream Something episode 4