This week, Renee Pierce-Williams’ entry was chosen by readers as the favorite in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. Congrats, Renee!
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.
The Secret Scribe proofreads his flash fiction entry.
The flash fiction challenge is probably my favorite feature here at Indies Unlimited. Each Saturday morning, we post an invitation – open to anyone – to write a story in 250 words or less based on a photograph and written prompt . Entrants have four days to get their story submitted.The contest is free, and voting gets good exposure for all the qualified entrants. The story voted reader favorite receives its own spotlight post and inclusion in the anthology at year-end. But you probably already know this.
The Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology is a big hit. We gave away lots of free copies, and it’s priced at only 99 cents in hopes of gaining new readers for the winning authors. So why don’t more people enter?
“I only want to enter if I think I can win. I’ll wait to see who else submits a story and then maybe I’ll give it a shot.”
For the second week in a row Rich Meyer’s entry was chosen by readers as the favorite in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.
The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.