Flash Fiction Winner: Marc Mimouni

Today we’re pleased to announce Marc Mimouni as the winner of the Indies Unlimited weekly Flash Fiction competition.

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Congratulations to Marc, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries! Now, without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Flash Fiction Winner: Marc Mimouni”

Flash Fiction Challenge: Drifter

Photo by K.S. Brooks

There are days when working in the Forestry Service is quiet and peaceful. There are days when you fight fires.

Then there are days like this. Just a little canoe filled with supplies and a small dog drifting down the river.

Maybe this is the dog version of Moses. Maybe somebody forgot to tie off. Maybe there has been some trouble upstream. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Drifter”

Flash Fiction Winner: Robert K. Blechman

Today we’re pleased to announce Robert K. Blechman as the winner of the Indies Unlimited weekly Flash Fiction competition.

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Congratulations to Robert, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries! Now, without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Flash Fiction Winner: Robert K. Blechman”

Flash Fiction Challenge: Death March

Jim set the plane down safely. That was no small thing with the kind of engine failure they had experienced. Even the animals made it out okay. It might have been better if everyone had died in the crash.

The problem now is that they are 200 miles from anywhere. No provisions. No shelter. No one is looking for them.

Nine hours of walking. The mountains looked no closer. No one was talking anymore. They shuffled relentlessly forward like zombies. If Beth stumbled and fell again, she would be left behind. She would die. No one had the strength to help her up again. No one even had the energy to care. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Death March”