While most authors want to advertise their books, it’s often difficult to find sites that will accept books that have few or no reviews. Well, fear not. Today, we’re going to list a few sites that have specific advertising geared at new releases that don’t have reviews, or generally accept books with few or no reviews.
We’ll start with new release advertising. Let’s say your book is just out and you want to advertise it, or the book is on pre-order and you want to schedule some ads for release week. Many of the advertising sites that perform well have a minimum number of reviews they require before they will even consider your submission. A book just released, or one that is on pre-order, is unlikely to have reviews. The good news is, you can schedule some “new release” advertising. (Please note, most sites do not accept pre-order advertising, but will allow you to input the pre-order link to schedule an ad for a date after the book’s release.) Continue reading “Lack Book Reviews, but Want to Advertise? This Article Is for You!”