Judith Garcia is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here today. (In the case of a tie, the writer who submitted an entry first is the winner per our rules.)
Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

by Judith Garcia
“Okay, class, this part of the quiz involves identifying animals. Who can tell me its name? Kylie, why don’t you go first.”
“Um, a lion?”
“No, it is a big cat, but not a lion. Jason?”
“It’s name is Fred. Hee,hee,hee!”
“Sit down, Jason. Monica?”
“A leopard? A bobcat?”
“Hey, she took two guesses. That’s not fair. I say cheetah!”
“I am not a cheater! Nobody said only one guess.”
“Cheetah, cheetah, cheetah! Mr. Hall, tell her I’m right!”
“Yes, Jeremy, you…”
“Mr. Hall, he called me a cheater! He’s a bully.”
“Monica, that is not bullying. Harassment, maybe, but not…”
“Mr. Hall, make him stop harassing me.”
“Monica, he gave the correct answer. Cheetah.”
“Now you’re calling me a cheater. My mom will get you fired! You’ll be sorry!”
Mr. Hall put his head down on the desk. Sometimes he wished he had become a big game hunter or some other less perilous occupation than teacher.
Congratulations. Clever story. As a former teacher, I can relate.
Thanks! This story came more from my experiences as a former student.
Congratulation. Good story.