Who Reads Your Book? How Knowing Your Reader Can Help

your reader woman-309201_960_720 (002)As authors and writers, we are always looking for new ways to connect with readers. In spite of countless ‘how to” posts and training programs, no one has, as yet, produced a consistently successful method for growing a following and selling books to new readers.

Advice changes constantly as promotion companies and sites appear and disappear, and as algorithms in Google, the Zon, etc. steer readers in different directions.

It struck me a short while ago that perhaps many of us are going about it all backwards. Continue reading “Who Reads Your Book? How Knowing Your Reader Can Help”

8 Elements of Tradecraft: Is Your Writing Plumb, Level, and Square?

writing and tradecraft PLUMB LEVEL SQUAREOver the holidays I was talking to my brother, who is a carpenter in Fort McMurray in the Alberta Oil Patch. Because he spends a lot of time living in camp, he is a voracious reader, so when he talks about books, I listen. His comment was that a lot of the authors he reads do not pay enough attention to their tradecraft.

As a carpenter, his objective in every project is that everything is plumb, level, and square. It is easy to slack off and not bother. Boards are usually cut off square in the mill, so if you jam them together tight, they will usually align themselves square to each other. However, if they are even slightly off, your project will not end up completely square. Which is no problem, until some day, later on, you try to match it up to another project. Then, if the other piece of work isn’t quite square either, the errors always multiply, and the two will never fit together, and in the end it will all look like crap. And if the first project is, for example, the foundation of a house, the whole rest of the structure is going to be problematic. Continue reading “8 Elements of Tradecraft: Is Your Writing Plumb, Level, and Square?”

Flash Fiction Editors’ Choice Winners for November & December 2017

indies unlimited editors choice flash fiction winnersFinally, the moment has arrived: we will now announce the Editors’ Choice winners for the IU Flash Fiction challenges from November and December 2017.

As you know, each week, the public gets to choose the Readers’ Choice winning entry by popular vote and the author is rewarded with a special feature on Saturdays. In the case of the Editors’ Choice winners, they garner a coveted spot in the first ever Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Editors’ Choice Anthology. You don’t remember any of this? Well, you can refresh your memory by reading our rules.) Without further ado, here are the winning authors:

Continue reading “Flash Fiction Editors’ Choice Winners for November & December 2017”

Patrick Andrews Wins Flash Fiction Challenge

Patrick Andrews is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here today. (In the case of a tie, the writer who submitted an entry first is the winner per our rules.) Without further ado, here’s the winning story:

Continue reading “Patrick Andrews Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”