Indie Author Newsbreak 8-3-2018

indie author newsHowdy-do IndieVerse friends and neighbors! The Admins at Indies Unlimited have set the timer on the microwave of truth so you can feast upon the steamy deliciousness of publishing industry news. The aroma of fresh-baked information fills the air. So sit up straight and put on your bibs, kids!

From our Who’dathunk department comes exciting news that YouTube has a growing segment of Book-Tubers aimed at generating interest in reading among millenials.

If your deal with the Witness Protection Program has ended or the statute of limitations has come about on whatever you did and you’re ready to engage with the world again to talk about your writing or get a review, check out this great new group of book bloggers.

Ah, remember when you were just starting out? You hadn’t even found Indies Unlimited yet. Sure, you made a few mistakes – probably had to change your name and phone number a few times – but we all learn. If you’re not there just yet, check out this list of writing tips 40 experts wish they’d known as beginners.

And finally, if you have an unfulfilled dream that one of your books tops the bestseller list, do read this article about how bestseller lists work and what they really mean.

That’s it for now. Be sure to tune in next Friday as we preview an excerpt from our bestselling new book: Poison Control Hotline Bloopers.