Indie Author Newsbreak 8-10-2018

indie author newsAhoy there authors and readers alike and all ships at sea! The Admins at Indies Unlimited have set sail on the dark and stormy waters of the internet in search of the great white whale of interestingness. So, batten down the hatches and shiver your timbers, thar be news in these here waters!

As we have pointed out numerous times, the seas of publishing are teeming with sharks. David Gaughran takes a look at how vanity publishers work their foul magic.

Do you find yourself plagued with self-doubt about your own writing? Terrible Minds has some sound advice about how to stay on track with your writing without letting your feelings dictate your productivity.

Do you write in third person or first person? Why? Writers in the Storm has an excellent article on third person vs. first person writing and the considerations that should apply to an author’s choice in the matter.

And finally, Do writers really have to know who their target audience is? Did the guy who invented the snuggy know exactly who needed a blanket with sleeves? K.M. Weiland takes on this thorny issue and gives 4 tips for writing to the right audience.

That’s it for now. Be sure to stop by next Friday as we reveal the answer to the musical question, who wrote the book of love?