for Vendors

Indies Unlimited is proud to be recommended by Preditors and Editors in their Promotional and Marketing Services Category.

Promotion on Indies Unlimited

When it comes to promotion, we approach things a little differently than most sites.

  • Our ads have permalinks which may be used in a media kit. Most websites run a promotion for a short time, and then those links are gone.
  • Not all ad requests are accepted. While Indies Unlimited does not endorse any specific products or companies, we do take pride in presenting ads to our readers from businesses we feel have an author’s best interest in mind.
  • Each ad is broadcast in an email newsletter to our subscribers, to our Facebook fans, on Tumblr, Google+, and to our Twitter followers. Our admins often also share posts, and our staff writers, if they see a product/event/service which interests them, will do the same on multiple platforms.
  • We don’t track visitors, per se. What we do follow is our Alexa ranking, which is more valuable since they allow a comparison to other web sites, and tell us how long people stay, and how many articles they view on average while they’re here. If you’re not familiar with Alexa, this very short article explains it. Our current rankings are at

Some of the effectiveness of the ad also depends on the advertiser. If the advertiser is disinterested and unresponsive to comments (if there are any), then the ad will not pack the punch it could. We provide all authors with a link to an article called “Putting Your Indies Unlimited Features to Work for You” which we recommend everyone read. Much of the logic applies to advertisers as well. ENT, KB&T, PeopleReads, and many others always suggest authors spread the word about their promotions, so this is no different.

If you are interested in purchasing an ad, please use the contact form on the advertising page. Tell us what feature or promo package you’d like and include a link to your business website so we can begin the vetting process. If your business/product/event is approved, we will send you the link to our PayPal page so you can make the purchase.

Once PayPal has notified us of your purchase, we will contact you using your PayPal e-mail address. If you use a different e-mail account or name than you used to make the query, we may ask for verification. We will contact you requesting additional material  needed from you to prepare your promo. Since promos comprise only a portion of overall site content, it may be a couple of weeks before your ad can be scheduled.

Purchasing an ad on any platform isn’t just about selling (although we do have many happy and repeat customers). It is also about effective frequency.

Thanks for supporting Indies Unlimited.

Promotional Services and Packages


IMPORTANT: Indies Unlimited does not accept all submissions. Vendors submitting to Indies Unlimited must go through our internal vetting process. Before you purchase an ad, PLEASE query with a link to your site where we can learn more about your services.

Do you sell a product or service that would be useful to authors? Then it makes sense to advertise where authors congregate. That place is Indies Unlimited. Here are examples of some products, services, programs and resources that would appeal to authors:

Author-centric services may include editing, formatting, cover design, or book promotion.

General services that may be of use to authors may include website design, maintenance, or hosting; entertainment or copyright legal services; data security and retrieval; or, social media technical support.

Authors attend workshops, seminars, conventions, book fairs, and other events related to writing, publishing, and marketing.

Contests, Competitions, and Award Programs
Most authors are interested in adding a little something to their book’s resume. This promo is available for fee-based programs only.

Educational Resources
Do you provide online resources, webinars, training programs, or workshops that may benefit authors?

Hardware or Software
Authors are always in the market for something that will make it easier to navigate the turbulent seas of today’s publishing environment. Software for book formatting, credit card readers that can be used at book signings, cover design software, etc.

We offer two different promo packages for providers:

Paid Guest Post/Infomercial – $50
This package includes 750 words of descriptive copy about your company, services, or event; a link to your website; and an image of the logo for your company, organization, or event. These features are permalinked, so even after they roll off the front page, the link we send you will always direct prospects right to your feature on Indies Unlimited. The standard IU disclaimer is run at the bottom of each promo feature. Link and logo included. Example here.

LynneQuisition Promo – $99
This special interview promo features a discourse with journalist and respected author Lynne Cantwell. Lynne will create custom questions about your event or company, from an author’s perspective. This will provide you with an opportunity to answer original questions, engage our audience through comments, and use the permalinked interview in your press kit. Links and logo included. Example here.

PLEASE use the form below to query with a link to your services before purchasing an ad.