Welcome to Indies Unlimited!

chimp at typewriter
File photo of me trying to blog before my wife took pity and helped me.

[This is a golden oldie—the very first post on Indies Unlimited.]

Welcome one and all to Indies Unlimited, a blog for independent authors and independent readers.

The people have spoken. Nearly one percent of my Facebook fans (as well as some guy I met at a diner) all felt very strongly that I should start a blog – or at least they didn’t strongly object.

This fits well with my plans of total world domination. So now I set forth, following in the footsteps of other rich and famous bloggers like what’s-his-name and that one lady – you know the ones I mean, right? Never mind then.

Anyway, to throw you off the scent of my evil plan, this blog won’t really be about me. I want to keep you distracted by providing the very best entertainment that (no) money can buy. Here, you will find interviews with authors, reviewers and other industry bigwigs. I will continue the photo caption contests here as just a fun exercise to get your creative juices flowing. You’ll also see links, articles, reviews, memorable quotes and all kinds of things to divert and amuse you while I go through your pockets looking for loose change.

For now, it’s a one-man-show, but as soon as I stock up on duct tape and chloroform, I’ll be adding some co-bloggers. In the mean-time go ahead and snoop around. Do come back soon though.



Book Farmer

Modern society is vastly complex and so hyper-specialized that very few of us are in a position to be able to see the effect of our daily work processes rendered into an actual outcome. I have spent many a day in a cubicle in a fluorescent-lit hell, worrying whether I remembered to attach the cover sheet to my TPS report.

It is pretty much the same all over. Very few people are in a position to really be responsible for a product from conception to fruition. Most of the world just doesn’t work that way anymore.

One of the exceptions is farming. Farmers are intimately connected with their work and their product. They are in the rare position of being able to literally see the fruits of their labors. They till the soil, plant the crop, fertilize the crop, fight weeds and pests as best they are able. At the end of it all they harvest and sell what they wrought from the earth by the sweat of their own brows. They feed the world. Continue reading “Book Farmer”

Indies Unlimited Enters the Independent Book Blogger Awards

IBBAYou can vote for Indies Unlimited to win the Publishing Industry category in the Independent Book Blogger Awards starting Tuesday, April 10th, and ending Monday, April 23rd.

Now I know a lot of you are thinking, “Doesn’t Indies Unlimited win the highly prestigious and totally made-up Stevie awards every year? When will it ever be enough?”

This is true. We do win the Stevie every year, and though it is early in the season, I’m hearing good buzz and figure we’re probably a shoe-in again this year. This is largely due to the high-quality content provided and the fact that we are the only blog eligible for the Stevie—but mostly due to the high-quality content.

Still, I suppose it would be nice to receive recognition from elsewhere. Plus, I want Brooks to win that trip to New York so she can finally shove Donald Trump’s love-child in his face.

So, if you feel the same way I do (and who doesn’t), just click here to see our entry and to vote!  As always, I thank you for your support.

Vote here.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Things are gonna start happening to me now!

As you might have heard, I recently raised the price of my book, UPGRADE, just a tad in my own price-point experiment. I have to admit I was a bit disappointed in the results. Let’s just say I didn’t sell as many copies as I had hoped at the new improved price. Honestly, only one Bajillionaire bought a copy. That email address in the upper right hand corner of the picture seems vaguely familiar. I wonder if this rich guy is related to Kat? Anyway, A million bucks isn’t what it used to be—especially after taxes. Continue reading “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?”