How I Wrote a Novel in a Month

I thought that title would catch your attention. Let me explain how I wrote a novel in a month and how you might be able to do it too.

It really took me over nine months to complete my latest novel – the fourth in my Scott Tucker Series. The first three books are fast-paced mystery thrillers – clean but sexy. For some reason, this fourth book turned out much racier. MUCH racier. Not quite erotica, but definitely not of the same style as the first three. So what did I do? I rewrote it to match the earlier installments, and then I published both versions under different titles.

Writing two novels in nine months is not that bad, but really one only took a month. How can I do that? Well, I’ll tell you. Continue reading “How I Wrote a Novel in a Month”

Tool for Converting a Date to a Day of the Week

This might be of interest to those writing things that happened in the past, or even the future.

My four novels are all set in the 1960s. I felt it was important to correctly show certain days. In my first novel, the day President Kennedy was shot, my protagonist has the opportunity to console a young woman he had wanted to meet previously, but didn’t have the nerve to.

President Kennedy was shot on the 22nd of November in 1963. What day of the week was that? It was a Friday. Many of us old folk know exactly where we were standing when we heard the news he was shot in Dallas. Continue reading “Tool for Converting a Date to a Day of the Week”

How to Read a Wealth of Selections for Free

At Indies Unlimited, we have lots of articles for authors. This one is mostly for readers.

So, you like to read. You also have more money than you know what to do with. If you are that lucky, please note that Indies Unlimited does accept donations. However, if you are like the rest of us authors…trying to rub nickels together to turn them into quarters…you might like to know how to save some significant money. Continue reading “How to Read a Wealth of Selections for Free”

Understanding the Indies Unlimited Mission

Congratulations you have just been drafted. You are now a private in the army of the ‘Evil Empire.’ I think I know the Evil Empire is better than it sounds, because Stephen Hise is the Evil Mastermind, and I have come to respect him.

A little history might help you understand how I got here. Many times I used the Indies Unlimited site to educate myself and to learn what the world of writing was all about. There were many terms used which I never fully understood, and incorrectly assumed what they meant.

Like good drill instructors K.S. Brooks and other members of the Indies Unlimited team would educate me very tactfully. I didn’t even know I was in basic training, but I guess I was. I had no idea what I was doing or where I was going. However every once in a while I would see some light at the end of the tunnel and it would keep me going. Continue reading “Understanding the Indies Unlimited Mission”