E-Book Giveaway – One Author’s Aha Moments by Jordan Dane

One Author's Aha MomentsBestselling thriller and Young Adult author Jordan Dane is celebrating her first foray into self-publishing with the release of her first non-fiction title by running an e-book giveaway contest on her Fringe Dweller blog. There are many ways to enter. Visit her blog for rules HERE.

One Author’s Aha Moments is geared toward aspiring authors and has an emphasis on the Young Adult genre. These writing tips may also be helpful to experienced authors and those who write other genres. Jordan’s advice comes from her personal experiences on writing fiction for adult and teen markets and what has worked for her. Jordan hopes her book will kindle a fire in you to write—a passion worth pursuing.

This author craft book covers topics such as: how to get started; an overview of Young Adult fiction themes, voice, and characteristics; how to create characters editors are looking for & how to introduce them and give them a unique voice; a method of plot structure that even a non-plotter can love; how to hook your book; and a chapter on the writer’s life, goal setting, editing, and a word on book promotion. This book is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble with print-on-demand coming soon to other retailers through CreateSpace.

Praise for Jordan Dane’s Young Adult Novels

“Adult thriller writer Jordan Dane pens a macabre and thoroughly eerie plot for In the Arms of Stone Angels. Dane’s well-developed characters provide an authentic young adult exploration of guilt, loyalty, and belonging.” —Publishers Weekly

“Dane’s On a Dark Wing is a great new young adult tale about death, love and starting over. It’s an exciting mix that will remind readers of Bree Despain’s The Lost Saint and Rachel Vincent’s Soul Screamers. Paranormal fans will love this. A compelling page turner.” —Romantic Times Magazine

For more on Jordan, visit www.JordanDane.com. Good luck!

Book Junkies’ Journal

Annarita Guarnieri
Cathy Speight
Sue Palmer

As the most interesting man in the world says, “I’m not always on facebook, but when I am, I’m usually at Book Junkies.” I paraphrase, but I’m sure that was the sentiment.

Reader/reviewer Sue Palmer, along with Annarita Guarnieri and Cathy Speight (Book Junkies one and all) have set up an online magazine for the ever-growing Book Junkies community. The Book Junkies’ Journal will be a quarterly magazine to allow all contributors plenty of time to prepare their pieces, be it a short story (the author will of course keep the rights – this will merely be a showcase for his/her story), or a resumé of their book, or a contribution to the chosen subject for that issue.

Annarita says, “This is a new enterprise for us all, which we hope will evolve and may even change in time, either with the addition of new pages or modifying existing ones. What we really want is to give a voice to all the Book Junkies members, to offer more exposure to the writers, and something more to read to readers.”

I had the honor of being among the first indie authors interviewed for the journal. You can see that interview here. I can tell you the interview process is quite thorough. I won’t need a checkup for a while.

We at Indies Unlimited wish the Book Junkies’ Journal great success and encourage everyone to drop by and check them out.

Indies Unlimited Selected as Finalist in IBBA

Indies Unlimited has been named as a finalist in the Independent Book Blogger Awards. This competition was conducted under the aegis of Goodreads and the Association of American Publishers.

The announcement reads, “Goodreads and the Association of American Publishers are pleased to announce the winners of the first-ever Independent Book Blogger Awards. Designed to showcase the incredible talent working in the book blogging community today, this year’s award winners are standouts in their field.”

Goodreads reports that in this inaugural IBBA, 804 blogs were entered and nearly 10,000 members voted. Blogs could be entered in four categories: Adult Fiction; Adult Nonfiction; Young Adult & Children’s; and Publishing Industry. Indies Unlimited entered in the Publishing Industry category and  was named with 13 other blogs as a finalist in the category.

The winner in the Publishing Industry category Is Writer Beware, a well-known, respected, and valuable resource in the indie community. We are proud to have trod the same stage with them and extend our heartfelt congratulations and appreciation for all the team at Writer Beware does for the benefit of writers.

I founded Indies Unlimited October 6, 2011. I find it remarkable that a blog still less than a year old can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the best. The credit for this lies with the outstanding team of writers here at Indies Unlimited and my co-administrator, Kat Brooks.

Thanks to all our readers, excellent guest contributors, and everyone who voted for us. We appreciate your support.

Indies Unlimited adds Chris James to the Lineup

Author Chris James

I’m very pleased to announce that Chris James is joining the staff of Indies Unlimited as a contributor. Chris has an erudite writing style and a sharp dry British wit. Those qualities in combination with a full head of hair are bound to make him a standout here at Indies Unlimited.

He is 6′ 4″ tall and is left-handed, which is more problematic than it sounds, as all our uniforms are right handed.

Though originally from The U.K., Chris now lives in Warsaw, Poland, with his wife and three children. He published his first novel in 2010, a futuristic court-room thriller called Class Action, and his second in 2011, called The Second Internet Café, Part 1: The Dimension Researcher, which takes the sub-genre of Alternative Realities to its logical conclusion. He is currently writing the second part of The Second Internet Café trilogy and, for light relief, likes to have a go at writing comedy.

Please give Chris James a warm welcome to the Indies Unlimited Army.*


*The Indies Unlimited Army is a lot like the KISS Army, except we are about writing rather than music and less than half of us wear makeup (as far as you know).