Author Carolyn Steele Joins the Staff of Indies Unlimited

Author Carolyn Steele

Those of you who pay attention (I told you there would be a test later) know that Carolyn Steele has written some fine guest posts for us, based on her experiences as a paramedic and a hospice worker. She has worn many hats, and the richness and diversity of her journeys endow her writing with an ample authority. Plus, I caught her lounging about aimlessly, making her an easy target for my tranquilizer gun, which I have now nicknamed “The Recruiter.”

Carolyn has been a psychologist, a paramedic, a patisseur (which is something having to do with food way too fancy for me to afford), a proofreader and several other things, not all of them beginning with P. She began writing the day she decided to see the world…doing both just to find out whether she could.

Originally from London, England, Carolyn is now settled in Kitchener, Ontario. On a whim, she trained to drive 18 wheelers and hit the road to see what would happen. There will soon be a book. She will be off soon on another shiny project to see if pest exterminators are interesting. Multi-faceted or easily bored? It depends who’s asking.

Between adventures she writes advertising copy and inflammatory leaflets, develops and SEOs websites and dabbles in podcasting. Someday she will write about her more serious passions, palliative care and PTSD.

Plans, podcasts, tales and the first book can all be found on Carolyn’s blog, Trucking in English.

Please welcome Carolyn Steele to the Indies Unlimited family.

The Staff of Indies Unlimited

Meet the staff writers of your favorite multinational multi-author superblog. This plucky band of indie rebels are the volunteers who labor day and night to bring you top notch infotainment and keep you up-to-date on the hot trends and topics in the weird, wondrous, wonderful, wild and wooly world of indie writing. Know them. Read them. Love them (from afar though—no touchie).


Indies Unlimited Welcomes John Barlow to the Staff

Author John Barlow

Indies Unlimited is proud to announce the addition of traditional-to-indie author John Barlow to our multi-megawatt powerhouse superblog.

John Barlow’s prize-winning fiction and non-fiction has been published by HarperCollins/William Morrow, Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 4th Estate and various others in the UK, US, Australia, Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain and Poland.

John was born in West Yorkshire, England, in 1967. He worked as a musician before studying English Literature at Cambridge University and language acquisition at Hull University. After teaching English for several years, he moved to Spain to write full-time, and has been there ever since. He is married to Susana, with whom he has two sons. They currently live in the Galician city of A Coruña.

Apart from writing fiction, he also works as a ghost writer and journalist. He has written for the Washington Post,, Penthouse, Departures Magazine and The Big Issue, and he is currently a feature writer for the award-winning food magazine Spain Gourmetour.

Please welcome John to the Indies Unlimited family.


Rich Meyer Joins the A-Team at Indies Unlimited

Author and Trivia Master Rich Meyer

Taking over the world one word at a time is a tough business. It’s even harder when you don’t have your own trivia master. That’s my theory anyway. Enter Rich Meyer, author of multiple trivia books and all-around smart guy. I am pleased to announce Rich has joined the team here at Indies Unlimited as a monthly contributor. Readers will enjoy the fun and games and Rich’s dry humor and acerbic wit.

Rich is a freelance writer, e-book author and reviewer of random things. He is also a member of the Old Time Radio Researchers group, and was a card-carrying member in good standing of the last incarnation of the Mister Ed Fan Club.

Rich has been a life-long fan of comic books, giant monsters, old-time radio, cartoons, 50’s science fiction flicks and TV, progressive rock, the music of Frank Zappa, weird cinema, Doc Savage, Mego action figures and all sorts of other geeky stuff. He is an avid trivia player, and has participated in the World’s Largest Trivia Contest (in his hometown of Stevens Point, Wisconsin) for over twenty-five years.

Rich’s reviews and other meanderings can be found at

Please give Rich a warm and friendly, yet also safe and politically correct welcome to the Indies Unlimited fold.
