New Indie Releases – Holiday Edition

Looking for some last-minute presents? eBooks always make awesome gifts – so check out these new titles and gift away.

Zero Anaphora by Luke Brimblecombe 120x177Zero Anaphora by Luke Brimblecombe

A young woman gives up her career in order to conduct a mysterious social experiment upon an unsuspecting lover.

Zero Anaphora is available from and Amazon UK.

Exodus 2022 by Kenneth G. Bennett 120x177Exodus 2022 by Kenneth G. Bennett

A 28-year-old man learns that the hallucinations destroying his mind contain clues to a looming global calamity.

Exodus 2022 is available on and Amazon UK.

The Copy by Grant Boshoff 120x177The Copy by Grant Boshoff

A geneticist and his clone struggle to maintain balance as their moral compasses diverge, leaving one dead and the other on trial for murder.

The Copy is available from and Amazon UK.

The Last Challege by Sharon Karaa 120x177The Last Challenge by Sharon Karaa

A veritable melting pot of family, witchcraft, magic, adventure and love.

The Last Challenge is available at and Amazon UK.

The Revenant 120x177The Revenant by Elise Abram

The Revenant saves those in Morgan’s visions from horrible fates. But when a necromancer is raised from the dead, can they escape his wrath?

The Revenant is available through, Amazon UK, and all major online bookstores.

Contact Form Glitch

technical glitchBack at the end of November, Indies Unlimited upgraded to a new, supersonic server to host the site. You may have noticed the lightning-fast speed with which the site now loads. You’re welcome.

During the migration, we had a technical glitch with the contact form. If you submitted a query through the contact form between Monday, November 24th and Sunday, December 7th, we did not receive it. In fact, we’re not certain where it went. Best we can guess is that you will soon be receiving either a free holiday Preparation H sampler basket or a free 30-day trial of Rosetta Stone in the language of their choice. That is perfect timing, because we’ve been wanting to know how to say potato chip in Swahili.

In any case, we apologize for the malfunction. Please resubmit your query if you used the form during that period. Queries before and after that date have been received; we are just a little behind because of the blog migration. Thanks for your patience, and thanks for being here at Indies Unlimited.

Indies Unlimited Voted #1 Author Resource Site

ChoosyBookwormWe are excited to announce that Indies Unlimited has been voted the top author resource site in a survey, 40 of the Best Resources for Writing and Marketing books, published by the book promotion site the Choosy Bookworm.

In the survey published December 15th, it was noted that Indies Unlimited received the most nominations of all resources.

We’d like to thank everyone who nominated us for this honor. We appreciate the high level of value and interaction the Indies Unlimited community brings to our daily efforts.

Indie Reads – November 2014

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

The Spark by John Kenny Indie PickThe Spark by John Kenny

“There’s everything in this book…  If there’s one book you need to read this year, it’s this one.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

The Spark is available through

Early Daze Indie PickEarly Daze by Jennifer Gilby Roberts

“…deeply expressed raw emotion, believable dialogue; all lightened by a smattering of the strange humor ….”

Read the rest of the review by Pete Barber.

Early Daze is available through

Game Changer Indie PickGame Changer by Beth Orsoff

“A fun story with great characters.”

Read the rest of the review by BigAl.

Game Changer is available on

Kiss Me Dancer Indie PickKiss Me, Dancer by Alicia & Roy Street

“Family dynamics play a huge part in this heartwarming tale of two people that are really easy to care about.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

Kiss Me, Dancer is available at

Reckoning  Indie PickReckoning by Vincent M Wales

“Reckoning is an outstanding book to wile away the hours watching Dinah’s powers transform her into a metahuman…”

Read the rest of the review by Michael Thal.

Reckoning is available through