Two New Indies Unlimited Features

two new free features from IUHere at Indies Unlimited, we are always looking for ways to bring great titles to readers, and opportunities for authors to get the word out about their books. So, beginning in October, we’re introducing two new features to help do just that: First Friday Pre-Releases and Kindle Unlimited Fridays. Similar to Thrifty Thursdays, these will be “self service” features, meaning authors should follow the instructions in the posts when listing their titles in the comments sections. Books for self service features do not have to go through the grueling IU vetting process.

First Friday Pre-Releases

Many folks are attempting to submit their pre-release books for free IU features. Pre-release books are not eligible because they cannot be vetted. We can only vet a title after it has been officially released. Since the Amazon pre-release program has become so popular, authors will now be able to post about their participating books on First Friday Pre-Releases. Detailed instructions will be provided for authors each month in the body of the article. The following information will be required from authors:

  1. Book title
  2. Author name
  3. A one sentence blurb (about tweet length)
  4. The Amazon link to the book
  5. The date the book is scheduled to be released

Kindle Unlimited Fridays

On the third Friday of each month, authors with books available in the Kindle Unlimited program (part of KDP Select) will be eligible to post their books in the comments section of the Kindle Unlimited Fridays feature. Since readers get unlimited free books (not a member of KU? If you’re interested, you can get more information here), there is no need to list a price. The following information will be required from authors:

  1. Book title
  2. Author name
  3. A one sentence blurb (about tweet length)
  4. The Amazon link to the book

All very simple and straightforward. Remember, PLEASE do not post links to erotica, political, or religious titles.

Authors, we hope you will make use of these new features, and readers – we hope you will enjoy them.

Indie Reads – August 2014

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

NightUndone Award 120x177Night Undone
by K. S. Brooks

“Brooks just knows how to keep you glued to the pages. … I’m Night-obsessed.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

Night Undone is available through

the awful messThe Awful Mess by Sandra Hutchison

“……an engrossing, well written story. It’s made more so for being so easy to believe it could really happen. I just hope it doesn’t happen to anyone I know.”

Read the rest of the review by Big Al.

The Awful Mess is available on

Shadowline DriftShadowline Drift by Alexes Razevich

“I’d strongly recommend reading the Amazon sample. If you enjoy how the story starts, I don’t think you’ll regret reading through to the end.”

Read the rest of the review by Pete Barber.

Shadowline Drift is available through

Mischief in ItalyMischief in Italy by Beate Boeker

“If you are looking for a quick, lighthearted, enjoyable read, I highly recommend this book. It will leave a smile on your face.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

Mischief in Italy is available at

A Man AloneA Man Alone by David Siddall

“This is an excellent novella full of excellent characters and a situation that ramps up the pressure on the protagonist….”

Read the rest of the review by Keith Nixon.

A Man Alone is available through

Titles by Indies Unlimited

Did you know that Indies Unlimited has published a number of titles to inspire, entertain, and educate authors and anyone who can read? That’s right, we do it all, just for you. You can check out the currently available books below, and you can always see them on our Titles Page. Please share this page – and if you’ve got one of our books and found it helpful, please leave us a review on, Smashwords, Goodreads, and wherever else you’d like. We appreciate every review! And, we appreciate your support. Thank you!
IU Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World

The Indies Unlimited Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World is the the ultimate guide for slapping social media into submission.

Available through, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords. Want it for free? Drop us a line through the contact form and we’ll get you a Smashwords coupon.

IU Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital WorldThe Indies Unlimited Tutorials and Tools for Prospering in a Digital World Volume II is written in easy to understand language and offers over ninety (90) tutorials, tips, and introductions to basics, such as capturing a URL, to how to make an animated GIF.

Available through, Amazon UK, and Smashwords. Same deal as above.

IU Snarkopaedia

The Indies Unlimited Snarkopaedia is available on and Amazon UK.

In this single volume, we have hand-picked the finest mountain-grown snark from an entire year of splendiferous snarkilepsy. Only 99 cents!


2013 Writing StimulusThe Indies Unlimited 2013 Writing Stimulus Package and Planner. If you’re serious about writing, get yours today. Available through and Amazon UK.

It’s filled with 13 months of writing prompts, worksheets, tips and holidays. It makes a great gift for every author on your list! You can learn more about it here.

2013 Writing StimulusThe Indies Unlimited 2014 Writing Stimulus Package and Planner. If you’re serious about writing, get yours today. Available through and Amazon UK.

The 2014 edition is also filled with 13 months of writing prompts, worksheets, tips, and holidays. Make sure to get one today so you know what day it is!


The Indies Unlimited 2012 Flash Fiction Anthology
Available from Amazon US and Amazon UK.

56 stories by 38 different authors from around the world, with pictures by award-winning photographer K. S. Brooks and thought-provoking prompts by five-star author Stephen Hise. From the comic misadventures of a caveman named Og to a deranged zombie picnic, there are a myriad of genres and stories to appeal to every taste.

IU 2013 Flash Fiction AnthologyThe Indies Unlimited 2013 Flash Fiction Anthology
Available from Amazon US, Amazon UK, Smashwords, and most online bookstores. (Don’t forget the Deluxe Edition!)

51 stories by 24 different authors from around the world, with full color pictures and thought-provoking prompts. From everyone’s favorite caveman named Og to a headsman’s haunted chopping block, there are a myriad of genres and stories to appeal to every taste.

Available from Amazon US and Amazon UK, and for free on Smashwords.

22 chapters from 22 books by 22 different authors from around the world, like a veritable smorgasbord crossed with dim sum. There’s something for everyone.

Indie Reads – July 2014

Indies Unlimited does not review books, but we do have a couple of renowned reviewers on staff. We thought a great way to celebrate indie writing would be to ask those reviewers for their top indie picks of the month. Here are this month’s top picks from our experts:

PostcardsSouthandWest 120x177Postcards from Mr. Pish: South & West Edition
by K. S. Brooks

“The text is clear, concise and entertaining, exudes enthusiasm and is accompanied by some superb photos and a little map so that you know exactly where the little chap is.”

Read the rest of the review by Cathy Speight.

Postcards from Mr. Pish is available through

Long Live the Suicide King 120x177Long Live the Suicide King by Aaron Michael Ritchey

“…dark at times, but this is offset by lighter, humorous moments… An excellent read, not just for its young target audience, but for adults as well.”

Read the rest of the review by Big Al.

Long Live the Suicide King is available on

Girl Jacked 120x177Girl Jacked by Christopher Greyson

“The plot twists and turns, covering a lot of ground and comes to a satisfactory ending which sets up the future books in the series.”

Read the rest of the review by Pete Barber.

Girl Jacked is available through

Vulgarian Vamp 120x177Vulgarian Vamp by Barbara Silkstone

“The plot is fast paced and multi-layered as things spin out of control… This is a fun mystery with a surprise twist at the end.”

Read the rest of the review by ?wazithinkin.

Vulgarian Vamp is available at

wytchfire 120x177Wytchfire by Michael Meyerhofer

“Wytchfire is a great read for those who love epic fantasies – as I do. It certainly filled its role and feels like the start of a great adventure.”

Read the rest of the review by Sooz.

Wytchfire is available through