Smashwords Sunday Synergy

Mark Coker’s Smashwords is a great alternative to Amazon for book-lovers. Coker is not selling boil-in-bag toast and camouflage snuggies. Smashwords is all about eBooks.

Joe Amazon sells eBooks too—for Kindle. If you happen to have Kobo, Nook, Sony or some other e-reader, well that is not really Joe Amazon’s concern. He’ll be happy to sell you a Kindle.

Coker himself is an indie author who experienced the same reflexive rejection from traditional publishing as have most of us. He founded Smashwords to help indie authors. The royalty percentage from Smashwords is far more generous than that offered by Joe Amazon.

Smashwords is not perfect. They have some areas of operation that still need improvement, but I do believe they have the indies’ best interests at heart. Can you say the same about Joe?

Let’s take a few moments today to spread the love a bit and support indie authors and Smashwords. Take a peek at some of these titles. If you see something you like, just click the cover and learn a little more—maybe even buy a book. Continue reading “Smashwords Sunday Synergy”

Richard Levesque Announces New Title

Author Richard Levesque is pleased to announce the release of his new mystery novel, Strictly Analog.

Ted Lomax is a private detective in a high-tech future where nothing is private any more. California has separated from the economically collapsed United States, and Ted makes living on the fringes, skirting the new technology and solving cases for clients who have secrets to keep. When his daughter is accused of murder, Ted does all he can to uncover the truth, risking the anonymity that is his greatest strength and embracing the new technology even though it means taking risks that could get him killed as he uncovers secrets bigger than he could have imagined.

“It seamlessly blends the classic pulp private dick character of Raymond Chandler and the darkly humorous science fiction of Philip K. Dick into a wonderful read.” – Mary C. Moore of Mary’s Book Reviews

Strictly Analog became available in September 2012. It is available in print and as an eBook from and Amazon UK.

Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Carol Wyer

Our flash fiction champ this week is Carol Wyer. Congratulations to Carol, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Carol Wyer”

John Barlow Announces New Release

ISLANDERS by John BarlowAuthor John Barlow is pleased to announce the release of his new young adult action-adventure novel: ISLANDERS.

ISLANDERS is a full-length novel for mid-graders and young adults. Set in a post-war dystopia, it follows thirteen-year-old Ben Brewer as he goes in search of his dad.

Thirteen years ago the Mainland was torn apart by war and contaminated by biological weapons. Ben’s parents–leaders of the Resistance–moved all their friends and comrades to the safety of an island. Then his dad went back, never to return.

When news arrives that Ben’s dad might not be dead, Ben sets out on a journey through a mutant-infested industrial wasteland to find him.

“5/5 Stars. I spent all day reading this book and didn’t get bored once! It is full of adventure and gets crazy at the end!” – Courtney Bauman at BaumanBookReviews

Islanders was released on November 16th, 2012 by Storm Books and is available through, Amazon UK and Smashwords.