Krista Tibbs Announces New Release and Goodreads Giveaway

Reflections and TailsAuthor Krista Tibbs is pleased to announce her latest title, Reflections and Tails, a book of short stories illustrated by Clint Sattler. In celebration of this recent release, five paperback copies will be given away on on October 19th.

From moose and mental illness to cat rhymes and an ode by sheep, this illustrated collection reflects human hearts through the animals that touch them. A service puppy, a medical lab, two friends and a seagull, dads, and a dude ranch are some of the pieces of life inside these animal stories for grown-ups.

Reflections and Tails was released in July of 2012. It is available in print and Kindle format on and Amazon UK and in additional e-book formats on Smashwords and You can enter the Goodreads give-away here.

Congratulations to Author Jacqueline Hopkins

passionate cooksAuthor Jacqueline Hopkins is happy to announce that her recipe, Wilderness Chili from her book Wilderness Heart, was accepted into the anthology cookbook, Passionate Cooks by All Romance eBooks. The book is now available for free at ARe.

In Passionate Cooks: Free Recipes From Today’s Hottest Romance Authors, over 150 authors of the genre have put their pens and computers aside to don aprons, get down and dirty in the kitchen, and share their love of food. Much like romance novels themselves, the dishes range from spicy to sweet. There is something for every taste and every level of culinary expertise.

For more information on Jacqueline Hopkins, visit her blog or her Author Central PageWilderness Heart is available in print and as an eBook from, and on Smashwords.

Alana Woods Announces New Release

25 essential writing tips: guide to writing good fictionAuthor Alana Woods is pleased to announce the release of her new book, 25 essential writing tips: guide to writing good fiction.

Alana Woods, a professional editor of many years’ experience and an award-winning author, has published a guide aimed at helping aspiring authors to find their writing voice and inspire them to get started or finish THAT book.

The guide, 25 essential writing tips: guide to writing good fiction, is a good example of the advice Woods has given when critiquing manuscripts over the years: eliminate every unnecessary word. A step-by-step guide, concise and to the point it begins by explaining the writer’s voice then dives straight in to everything you need to consider, including opening with a hook, making dialogue believable, creating suspense, developing your story and characters, and how to approach descriptions, point of view and 1st/2nd/3rd person. Woods uses her own and other authors’ work to illustrate each point.

25 essential writing tips: guide to writing good fiction was released late in June of 2012 by WoodsfortheTrees Press. It is available on Amazon.comand Amazon UK in print and as an e-book.

Sneak Peek: Somewhere Over the Rainbow

somewhere over the rainbowToday we have a sneak peek from author Derek Thompson’s memoir, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, I’ve Lost My Damn Mind: A Manic’s Mood Chart.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow will be the first humorous memoir about bipolar by a member of the Millennial Generation-today’s young adults. Blending pop culture references and cyberspeak with psychiatric terms, it combines a funny, conversational tone with a nonlinear narrative structure. The book’s humor, cultural references and Internet origins will appeal to Millennials, now entering their twenties and thirties, as well as younger Gen Xers. More than an account of coming to terms with a mental health condition, it’s a story of being young and feeling lost, dealing with heartbreak and still finding plenty to laugh about, no matter what happens.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow is available on, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and other online booksellers.

And now, an excerpt from Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Continue reading “Sneak Peek: Somewhere Over the Rainbow”