Author Harry Bingham started out as an investment banker, but says he grew bored of pillaging the planet and robbing poor people. “So I decided to become a poor person – and turned my hand to writing. Ten or so books on from there, I wouldn’t dream of any other career.”
Harry says his greatest area of strength as a writer is surviving. “It’s very tough to make a career as an author and I’ve done so pretty effectively for over a decade. A less flippant answer is tough to come by. My most recent novel (a work of crime fiction) is unquestionably most remarkable for its strong voice and the strong – even abrasive – personality of the central character. But that’s because that’s what that particular book needed. I adapted my style to the needs of this particular story. Other times, my writing has offered something much softer. I used to write yarns with a quite old-fashioned feel. If I had to survey everything I’ve written and come up with a single common denominator, I’d say that I write strong stories that have a quiet underlying intelligence. Beach reads you don’t have to be ashamed of.” Continue reading “Meet the Author: Harry Bingham”