Book Blogger Spotlight: Kitty Muse and Me

Meet Kathy Ree, founder of the book blog, Kitty Muse and Me. She is a resident of the Pacific Northwest, but was  born and raised in California. Kathy has been married for 27 years, and has a 24-year-old son, a 21-year-old daughter, and a very large cat. Kathy says the cat sits on her writing … Continue reading “Book Blogger Spotlight: Kitty Muse and Me”

Book Exposure: Digital Book Today

Book industry veteran Anthony Wessel founded Digital Book Today in 2010. While some of the people behind the promotion sites we’ve been featuring on IU over the past few weeks are authors, Wessel’s perspective on the book world comes from seven years as a sales manager for Borders/Waldenbooks. He’s been immersed in the e-book world … Continue reading “Book Exposure: Digital Book Today”

Book Blogger Spotlight: My Reader’s Block

Meet Bev, the force behind the wonderful book blog, My Reader’s Block. She is an administrative secretary for the Indiana University English department’s MA/PhD program. Bev says, “I’ve been a reader as long as I can remember—but I credit my mom with getting me hooked. When I was seven, she gave me her five-book set … Continue reading “Book Blogger Spotlight: My Reader’s Block”

Book Blogger Spotlight: I Am, Indeed

Today, the Book Blogger Spotlight falls upon Gaele, from I Am, Indeed. This amazing book blogger was a veterinary science major at university with a bent for English literature, American and British. The transition from reader to reviewer was a natural one for Gaele. “I don’t remember a time when I didn’t read, and I’ve … Continue reading “Book Blogger Spotlight: I Am, Indeed”