Is it Love or Lust?

"Lovers with Flowers" by Oleg Zhivetin

“Blessed is the influence of one, true loving human soul on another.” – George Elliott

Human beings have always been in love with love, or at least the idea of it. It is an emotion that is difficult to define – prone to clichés and lusty panting in Red Rooms. The softer side of love, its true soul, is more challenging for a writer to communicate to their readers. Why is this so?

Perhaps, this is because humans are prone to negativity, fear, anxiety and all the adjectives and adverbs that present themselves so easily to describe these emotions. Our natural tendencies seem to go in the direction of chaos and upheaval. Many people like to read about these subjects, so the writers who can create these novels provide what their fan base wants: dark, turbulent stories of murder and mayhem. We are entertainers, after all, and there is nothing wrong with filling this need. Continue reading “Is it Love or Lust?”

Risky Business

Follow the rules, Lo-Lew!

Denied. How would you handle a situation where a post you had written was rejected?

Would you have a hissy fit and act like a spoiled brat? Would you over-analyze the denial, searching for some malevolent, secret motivation as the cause?

Last week the post I wrote for Indies Unlimited was declined. That is why “Spunky’s Present to You” was rerun. I wasn’t shirking my responsibilities as a contributing author, although coming up with tantalizing topics for you week after week is challenging. I had started writing one post and suddenly gotten a brilliant idea. My epiphany was a religious satire. Rather than stifle the flow of words pouring out of my brain I wrote it, knowing as it took shape that it was a risky piece. I realized when I finished editing it that it would probably not run, but I presented it anyway. The evil mastermind declined. Continue reading “Risky Business”

Spunky’s Present to You – Encore

Dali and his pet Ocelot.

[L.A. Lewandowski will be back next week with another new, classy installment of her column. Meanwhile, enjoy Spunky’s Present to You. – the Editor]

The first writer’s blog that I read was written by the woman who would end up editing my first novel. In a particularly excellent post, she discussed at length the need to layer your characters – to give them strengths and weaknesses, good and evil motivations, and to otherwise make them as believably flawed as any human you might know. Annoying habits and pet peeves add depth, she postulated, and these idiosyncratic traits will make the character more believable. I’ve kept this post in my head as I develop my characters, and I’ve created a couple of doozies. In true Lois fashion, however, I would like to add a stylish twist to my mentor’s essay – when you want to give your reader a real clue as to what makes your character tick, give the character a pet. Continue reading “Spunky’s Present to You – Encore”

Fairy Tales Do Come True

My prized set of “My Book House”

“There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.” —   Graham Greene

My daughter doesn’t live at home anymore, so I have been in the process of converting her bedroom into an office. This has been a major undertaking, (girls have a lot of stuff), but a necessary one. It is impossible to write coherently in an open and shared space where the cone of silence cannot descend. As I write this weekly post, it is pouring rain outside my window, soaking everything in sight, including the wild turkey pecking at the sodden grass. It reminded me that when I was a child, these were the days I loved to read.

What can a writer keep in their workspace that inspires them? In my case I couldn’t bring anything INTO the room until I removed eighteen years of accumulation. After the cleanout was nearly complete, I decided to move something very precious into my new private space, something that means the world to me. My collection of “My Book House” now sits in pride of place, serving as a daily reminder of the first important discoveries in the journey of this writer. It is, I sometimes think, why I am who I am. Continue reading “Fairy Tales Do Come True”