What My House Taught Me About Selling Books

IMG_8907Sometimes the obvious smacks you in the face. I hate it when that happens. But sometimes, lessons are learned where you least expect them. And surely enough, determining a house-selling strategy made me realize I had to change my philosophies when it came to selling my books.

My house is unique and custom-built. It’s in the wilderness, yet convenient to Spokane. It’s considered “green,” yet it’s not rustic. It’s luxurious, but it’s not outrageously expensive. When it went on the market, I knew it wouldn’t sell to anyone in the immediate area. It’s not for them. It’s perfect for city folk tired of the rat race. It’s for wildlife photographers and naturalists and outdoorsmen and retiring business executives and celebrities looking for complete privacy. It’s for a diverse, yet specialized, demographic.

After nearly a year on the market, there’d only been one showing. Why? Because putting a house up on the MLS (Multiple Listing Service), Zillow, and Trulia is like putting a book up on Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble – and expecting that to be enough. Continue reading “What My House Taught Me About Selling Books”

Featured Service: BookTweeters.com

BookTweeters LogoJust publishing your book isn’t enough… you need to promote it. Whether you are running a promotion for your book, making it free or lowering the price, or your book is at its normal price, BookTweeters.com is here to help you promote your book.

For the past several months, we have worked hard, connecting with authors and readers on Twitter across 5 different accounts, to grow our network of followers. We have over 235,000 followers in our network, and it is growing quickly every day! These are people who want to learn about free books, bargain books, and other books that they may be interested in reading.

BookTweeters.com is run by eBooksHabit.com, who have been bringing free and bargain ebooks to their blog readers and email list for the past couple of years. They have worked with thousands of authors and know that authors just need more people to know about their book.

Twitter is a great medium for reaching out to readers, but the problem is, Tweets can be missed if you are following a lot of people. That is why, each day you purchase a promo for, we tweet it 60 times! Each of the 5 accounts tweets it 12 times throughout the day, when a majority of US readers are awake. If we only tweeted once, someone may miss it in their Twitter stream, so we have it set to tweet your book tweets all day long.

But does it produce sales? We have had repeat orders from customers who loved the results of their first order! We obviously can’t work magic, but if your book is appealing, using our tweet packages to broadcast your book to 235,000+ people many times a day is a great way to boost sales or complement a free or discounted price promotion.

We have many packages to suit your needs, ranging from 1 to 5 days of tweets. The more days you buy, the more you save.

Add us to your list of places to get in touch with for your next promo, or try out our packages today to get more exposure for your book!

Indies Unlimited does not endorse or support any specific providers of  products or services.

What One Persistent Bird Taught Me about Book Promotion

Cardinal_2Some of you might know that for what seems like the last three months, a male cardinal has been smashing into my kitchen windows. Repeatedly. When he’s not hurling his tiny body against the glass, he’s staring up at us, glowering, as if we should do something about his problem. Or at least make him some coffee. We have named him Napoleon. I’ve tried every remedy friends have suggested to get him to stop doing this, but every morning there he goes, flinging his little body at his own reflection, thinking it’s an intruder threatening his domestic bliss with Mrs. Napoleon. Since he doesn’t seem to be going away, I figure that perhaps he’s here to teach me a few things, such as: Continue reading “What One Persistent Bird Taught Me about Book Promotion”

Pinterest Party Fest!

pinterest partyIt’s July and that means it’s summer vacation time if you’re north of the equator. Everything’s bright and sunny and people are taking pictures and pinning them…you guessed it…on Pinterest. Get your Pinterest boards some love – post your link in today’s Pinterest fest!

This is how it works: you don’t have to be an author, publisher, publicist, literary agent, book reviewer, librarian, (or especially a book-lover) – you just have to want to meet other Pinners. In the comments below, paste in the link for your Pinterest Page. Make sure you show some love to the links in the comments above yours, and check back throughout the day to catch up.

If you’re not sure what link to post, just find your profile or bulletin board, then copy and paste the URL. It should look something like this: http://pinterest.com/IndiesUnlimited/ 

This should be fun and should generate a lot of exposure for everyone who plays. Don’t forget to follow ours. Let’s get things moving!

PLEASE be sure to reciprocate by liking those who like you. This is give and take. If everyone plays by the golden rule, we all benefit.