Getting the Most From It

Indies Unlimited has a large complement of staff writers with a wide array of expertise. We also provide a multitude of features designed to promote indie authors and their books. Don’t forget the tutorials, the like-fests, and the flash fiction contests. There is a lot going on here, all of it aimed at helping you.

The question is: do you really get the most from it? Maybe you subscribe, maybe you comment from time to time. That’s great. Do you also share IU posts you like? If there is an interesting discussion going on here, do you tweet about it? When you are on LinkedIn and a discussion comes up related to something that was addressed here, do you bring it up? Continue reading “Getting the Most From It”


His fists were ensnared in thick grey hair. His elbows rested uncomfortably on the table. It was a battle…fists pulling, elbows pushing…his eyes were closed so tightly that they hurt. The inside of his mind sounded like this:

What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you so weak? Why are you unhappy? How do other people do it? They seem happy. Why are you always hiding?

With a loud bang, the fists met the table, small clumps of grey hair like little bouquets. He poured a tall drink. This was how he did it. And sleep. Sleep was the ultimate escape. Which made it all the more ironic that he hadn’t slept in days.

Continue reading “Jack”


Susan stepped through the doorway and into the abrasive sunlight. She had not been outside of her apartment in weeks. Her skin rebelled…burned. She could feel her pupils shrink, and they were already pretty pinned to begin with. She needed cigarettes. The cartons she had purchased lay in a pile by the door, empty, mocking her. She could hear them. She blinked and crossed the street. Continue reading “Blackout”

Wind Sprints

Well, my post is due in less than an hour (forgot; it was 100 degrees today…I forgot to breathe for a little while, too). Let’s see if I can play this off. This is something I do a lot, something that I recommend for all fiction writers. Flash fiction is fun, and challenging yourself keeps you sharp. So, I will give myself five minutes. Go. Continue reading “Wind Sprints”