Making a folder for People, Places, or Things in Gmail
Ack! So many emails! How do I keep track of who is sending me what? I create a folder, that’s how! Creating a folder and moving your emails to it is very easy. There are two different ways you can do this.
In Gmail, just to be different, folders are called “Labels” – perhaps because you put labels on a folder? I dunno. Let’s just run with that, thought.
If you, let’s say, want to make a “filing cabinet” for a certain subject, you need to do that first. So, let’s make a label called “writing.”
Let’s start with the more direct way of creating a “Label” (herein known as folder).
Scroll over to the left sidebar and mouse over it. That will extend the screen a bit and will reveal the word “More” (see pink arrow).
Click on “More.” That will bring up a new screen (below). Continue reading “How to Make a Folder (Label) in Gmail”