Eight Years and Still Going…

Eight years ago, the Evil Mastermind launched Indies Unlimited. Since then, we’ve had well over 2.7 MILLION page views, been named as one of Six Great Blogs for Indie Authors in Publishers Weekly, and ranked as one of the top writing-related sites by Alexa.

If you want to see what other people are saying about us, you can check out our “What Others Are Saying” page here. Yeah, not super original, but hey… it gets the point across. We haven’t updated it in a while. Someone needs to get on the admin to do that.

Since our early days, we have evolved greatly, but never lost sight of providing free, high-quality content for all types of writers and readers.  We’re proud that readers and authors alike trust our content, and we’re grateful to all of you for spreading the word about us.

Indies Unlimited is run by volunteers. Kudos to all the minions past and present for donating their time and energy to provide excellent articles, advice, and tutorials for our audience.

Here at IU, we do our best to publish one article every day, but due to time and financial restraints, sometimes that’s not possible and we miss a day or two. We try to avoid that and will continue to provide helpful content as those things allow. Thanks for your patience with that.

So here’s a pile of thank yous for making Indies Unlimited a success and a community. It could not be one without the other. We look forward to another year filled with great things for all.thank you writers banner-1186625_640

Seven Years and Still Going …

Seven years ago, the Evil Mastermind launched Indies Unlimited. Since then, we’ve had over 2.5 MILLION page views, been named as one of Six Great Blogs for Indie Authors in Publishers Weekly, and ranked as one of the top writing-related sites by Alexa.

We have evolved greatly since those early days, but never lost sight of providing free, high-quality content for independent publishers and readers.  We’re proud that readers and authors alike trust our content, and we’re grateful to all of you for spreading the word about us.

Indies Unlimited is run by volunteers. Kudos to all the minions past and present for donating their time and energy to provide excellent articles, advice, and tutorials for our audience.

Thank you, everyone, for making Indies Unlimited a success and a community. It could not be one without the other. We look forward to another year filled with great things for all.

Happy Fifth Birthday, Indies Unlimited

happy-birthday-iu-cake-25388_1280Five years ago, I was knocking around in a Facebook group that no longer exists, talking about self-publishing with some authors who wrote for this new website called Indies Unlimited. I really didn’t know what to think about it all then. My first novel had just been published, and I was considering putting out the next one myself, but the whole process sounded terrifying. Continue reading “Happy Fifth Birthday, Indies Unlimited”

Happy Blogaversary Indies Unlimited

Indies Unlimited happy-birthday-irkutsk-958825_640Four years ago tomorrow, the Evil Mastermind launched Indies Unlimited. Since then, we’ve had over 1.5 MILLION page views, been named as one of Six Great Blogs for Indie Authors in Publishers Weekly, and ranked as one of the top writing-related sites by Alexa.

We have evolved greatly since those early days, but never lost sight of providing free, high-quality content for independent publishers and readers. Just recently, IU announced that we would no longer accept paid advertising from authors. We’ve also added a KnowledgeBase and a wide variety of resource pages. We’re proud that readers and authors alike trust our content. We’re grateful to all of you for spreading the word about us.

Indies Unlimited is run by volunteers. Kudos to all the minions past and present for donating their time and energy to provide excellent articles, advice, and tutorials for our audience.

Thank you, everyone, for making Indies Unlimited a success and a community. It could not be one without the other. We look forward to another year filled with great things for all.