The Indies Unlimited Vetting Process

LabelRecently, we ran a post showing you How Indies Unlimited Works. We explained about our staff and our content, including the features we run which help authors promote their work. Book promotion is only a small portion of what we offer here on Indies Unlimited. We run only two paid feature spots per week. The rest of the book promo opportunities we offer are of the free variety: book briefs, announcements, or book video trailers.

We also offer some self-serve posts, wherein we invite authors to post links to their books in certain formats or venues. Books listed in those post threads are subject to a lower standard of vetting focused on whether the book genre is within those accepted on the site.

All books featured on Indies Unlimited, whether the promotion is free or paid, are run through a vetting process. This is why we ask that all queries, including those for paid advertising, include a link to the book authors want featured. We need to see how this book is presented – so we will know what our readers will encounter if they click through to the book’s purchase page. Continue reading “The Indies Unlimited Vetting Process”

Moving the Velvet Rope – by Stephen Hise

There are and have long been exclusive clubs. Some exert their exclusivity through means of social status or wealth. That’s why Cousin Eddie won’t be seen golfing at Snobmore Country Club. Others use the velvet rope and a bouncer who makes the individual decision as to whether someone is cool enough to get in. Often, the decisions of the bouncer seem enigmatic, capricious, and objectionable to those on the wrong side of the velvet rope.

That model of exclusivity is the one used (or perhaps imposed) by the traditional publishing industry. Their idea being to preserve the integrity of the written word by selectively choosing those who would produce the written word. What a great idea. I wonder how that worked out. Continue reading “Moving the Velvet Rope – by Stephen Hise”