Power-Publish by Daniel L. Carter

Author Daniel L. Carter

My journey through the publishing grinder is not much different than many other authors. I started out with learning the demands of the publishing community. That road took me from March of 2006 to October of 2007 where I went through 4 rewrites of my first book The Unwanted.

My goal, was to land an agent and publisher for my book. I thought my prayers had been answered when a small publisher picked me up in April of 2008 and I signed a contract. Great, now my books would get out into the public and I could work on book 2 in my G6 Chronicles series. How naive I was. The book took two years to get published. The Unwanted finally came out in May of 2010. So I thought now I could relax and finish my series, but that was not the case. Continue reading “Power-Publish by Daniel L. Carter”

Self-publishers: Buyer Beware

Yvonne Hertzberger, Author

It’s crunch time. My post is due and I woke at 3 am in a panic with no topic. (Sound familiar, Dan?) There is too much going on in my life. But then an idea I have been toying with for some time came back. I can share the story of my experience with iUniverse and use it as a cautionary tale for novice authors. And cautionary it is.

Let me preface this by saying that I do believe there are legitimate ‘self-publishing’ companies out there who deliver what they promise with integrity and quality. But let me also emphasize that such companies are few and far between and, to most of us, indistinguishable from the rest.

Continue reading “Self-publishers: Buyer Beware”

Everyone wants to write a book!

Wow, it’s great to be back. I want to apologize for the last couple of weeks. My blog posts may not have been up to their usual caliber (which is not saying much to begin with).

However, I am back in action now. Although, to give you full disclosure, you may not like my post today either! Continue reading “Everyone wants to write a book!”

Ed’s Casual Friday: Margaret Atwood on Time.

So why would I just reproduce a long poem by Margaret Atwood – Arthur C. Clarke Award-winning author of “The Handmaid’s Tale” – in lieu of writing a whole new column on this Ed’s Casual Friday?

Well, first, because I’m a slacker at heart. But second, because I think it speaks to an issue that relatively few writers take into consideration whenever the inevitable “Trad vs. Indie” discussion comes up. Here is the thing all new writers should know: In the day-to-day life of a writer, Trad vs. Indie is a false distinction. Continue reading “Ed’s Casual Friday: Margaret Atwood on Time.”