Luck comes in all varieties. Mostly, folks think of it as good luck or bad luck. The simple truth is, most of the time, people don’t know the difference.
Getting a flat tire when you’re already late for work might seem like bad luck, but it may have been the thing that kept you from getting T-boned at another intersection.
Sometimes, the things we think of as good luck really turn out not to be so good. It was that way for Jeff. He’d had a long run of good luck gone bad. He’d pretty much gotten everything he’d ever really wanted. It’s just that it always turned out that what he wanted wasn’t what he really needed.
Jeff was no gambler, but he felt he had no choice but to take the last little bit of his money and head to the riverboat. He didn’t win at the tables that day, but what happened would change his life forever. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Run of Luck”