Flash Fiction Challenge: Last Meal

Photo by K.S. Brooks

They had given him what they called his last meal, but it wasn’t really. It was just food. Meals are for free men.

As they strap him down onto the table, Danny remembers his last meal. He had it in a little roadside diner right before all the trouble started—right before the end began.

That was a long time ago now. Twelve years of trials and appeals. Too long. He was ready for it to be over now.  It will be over in a minute or two. They are prepping the injection site now and Danny is thinking about that hamburger. Someone says something to him, they ask about regrets. He thinks about that for a moment. He feels the sting of the needle in his arm. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Last Meal”

Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Dick Waters

Today we’re pleased to announce Dick Waters as the winner of the Indies Unlimited weekly Flash Fiction competition.

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Congratulations to Dick, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries! Now, without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Dick Waters”

Flash Fiction Winner: Renee Pierce Williams

Today we’re pleased to announce Renee Pierce Williams as the winner of the Indies Unlimited weekly Flash Fiction competition.

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Congratulations to Renee, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries! Now, without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Flash Fiction Winner: Renee Pierce Williams”

Flash Fiction Challenge: Win, Lose or Run

Photo by K.S. Brooks

Today might be Eddie’s last chance. He ran out of money a long time ago. He ran out of things to hock and pawn and sell a long time ago. He ran out of friends he could borrow from.

Aunt Sadie wouldn’t miss a few twenties from her purse though. Anyway, today is a sure thing. He’d pay her back. He’d pay Big Vinnie back. Everything would be okay again.

Today would be different. This would be his day. He could see the horse he picked really wanted to win. It was right there in his eye: winner. Eddie could feel the electricity in the air. He could feel victory deep down in his bones. He always could.

In 250 words or less, tell me a story incorporating the elements in the picture. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Challenge: Win, Lose or Run”