Don’t Let Fear Stand in the Way of Your Success

success by conquering your fearsLook around Indies Unlimited and you’ll find lots of good writers. Some of them are even very good writers. In fact, I would be willing to bet that there isn’t a lot that separates the best of us from the worst of us. So why does it seem that a few do better than the many?


Fear of rejection. Fear of success. Fear of … well … just about anything outside of writing. Continue reading “Don’t Let Fear Stand in the Way of Your Success”

I encourage YOU to write, but even more importantly, to publish.

thumbs-up-198886_640From my perspective most things in life require; desire, commitment, education, training, and practice. Publishing and becoming a best-selling published author, although related, are at two ends of the spectrum. I tell anyone looking to become a published author: don’t expect to make money at it. You do it because you want to show off your creation, much like showing your baby’s picture. Writing is a lot of work and takes time and effort. However, the hardest part of the process is no longer publishing. Publishing is much simpler, more streamlined and less costly than it used to be. Today, thanks to the tools available, anyone can do it, and it can cost as little as nothing. Continue reading “I encourage YOU to write, but even more importantly, to publish.”

Unleash the Power of Why

The power behind purposeWe write. Sometimes we write for ourselves and sometimes we write for others. At times, we look at what we wrote and think it sucks. Other times, we can’t wait to read it to someone else. What you write and what you do with it not only decides your future but also profoundly shapes the world.

What? Continue reading “Unleash the Power of Why”

On Your Mark … Get Set: Wait Am I a Starter or a Finisher?

horses raceAre you a Starter or a Finisher?

To some degree, you’re probably both. However, I’m sure you lean one way or the other. It’s important to look inside and ask yourself that question. It could save you a lot of headache down the road.

If you’re a starter, you always come up with new ideas, new projects and a great new story. You jump in with both feet and pound out something amazing … until the moment you realize you have to finish. The details of finishing are what slow us down. You’d rather be starting a new project. Continue reading “On Your Mark … Get Set: Wait Am I a Starter or a Finisher?”