Did y’all know that you can follow an author via their Author Central page? Don’t have an Author Central page? Oh! The humanity! Here’s how to make one. It’s free. Don’t be the last one to have one, for crying out loud.
Just put the link to your Author Central page from Amazon in the comment section below, and people will click over and give you a nice, gratifying follow.
[Don’t forget, if you right-click the links, you can choose to have them open in a separate tab so you don’t have to worry about navigating back and forth to pages.]
Please submit ONE AUTHOR PAGE only. Don’t know how to follow an author? Just look at the screenshot below. It only takes one click!As a matter of good form, if you do put your link in so other people can follow your page, do take the trouble to like the others. Don’t be “that guy.” Here’s one to get you kicked off:
The Evil Mastermind and our founder, five-star author Stephen Hise: http://www.amazon.com/Stephen-Hise/e/B004WG3JG0/ Give him a follow, he’ll love it!
Hello everyone. http://amzn.to/1LR6wnC
Here is my page. Enjoy! Thanks a lot!
Hello. Please check out my Amazon Central page at
So how is your link your name without a string of #s when everyone else has all sorts of clutter? Did you do anything special?
The bottom half of this article has a screenshot that shows you where you can set up your own custom URL: https://indiesunlimited.com/2012/05/15/amazon-com-author-central-pages/
Thanks! I’m not there yet, but I’m hoping to be this year….
How do I find my way to my Author Central Dashboard?
Thank you.
You’re welcome! 🙂
Good morning everyone!
Here is my Amazon Central page:
Good morning! Followed everybody up to here and would really appreciate your follows at
I will check back later to reciprocate with those who come after.
(Is there any way to see how many folks are following you?)
No idea- but isn’t this fun!
Hello everyone! My debut novel goes live this Saturday 😀
Congratulations on your new book!
Yeah! The cover looks great!
Thank you both! 😀
Congrats on your debut – hope it’s a smash hit!
Getting everyone above me and will return to get those below!
Ya know, I never really noticed that FOLLOW button. Then when I published “At Sea,” Amazon sent me an e-mail asking if I wanted to write a special message that they would use with my followers. Followers? I have followers? Wow. Happy to see your post about this as well as a list of cool people to follow.
Here’s the endless address for my Amazon page:
Hee hee! And now you have another! I know what you mean, though, it’s like when I got this post saying ‘keep on writing, I just loved reading about your village!” and it’s like, “hey, someone besides my mom is reading this?” Looking forward to seeing what you are writing.
Thank you, Salley!
Hi guys,
Here’s my author page:
BTW, I’ve followed everyone up to here.
I am following everyone who posted prior to me. Thank you for this opportunity
Followed all above me in the list
Mine’s http://www.amazon.com/Andy-McKell/e/B00IF20LCC/
Oh hey – I’m a total SF nut – following and probably stalking you (well your books!) now.
Stalk my books all you like!
Followed everyone through here. Here’s my link: http://www.amazon.com/Helen-Haught-Fanick/e/B006CU53CW
Here’s mine:
My husband loved a lot your “Life first” book! I will write review soon (That’s not my genre and he has no account on Amazon, so we’ll cooperate:), thanks for reminding by posting your author’s page:)
Thanks for letting me know. I’m glad he loved it. And thanks for cooperating to put a review. That’s so kind of you, both.
Hello. Looking forward to meeting new authors!
Here is link to my Amazon profile:
Buongiorno autores di Amazon.
Yes! Can’t wait to check out what you all are writing! I’m here –
Welcome to my author central page.
http://www.amazon.com/Diana-Stevan/e/B00OGV2PIO I followed you all. What a great group of authors! And best of luck to Liz on her debut novel.
Thank you so much!
Oh – love the cover for your “The Blue Nightgown” going off to buy it right now (from the French Amazon – which may show up as Great Britain… weird Amazon, weird!)
Thank you Sally. So sweet of you. My grandson designed it. He’s a second year film student at Dodge College, Chapman U. I’ll let him know you like it. 🙂
It really caught the eye! He’s clever – it’s elegantly simple but appealing.
oh – actually no, it will be the US one…. it is always something different from what I expect based on past experiences. I’ll start reading tonight! – Salley
Thanks again, Salley. And please leave a review when you’re done. I just read a Facebook post that says only 1% of book readers leave reviews and reviews do drive sales, which is something we all want. Happy reading and writing.
Hi! I will follow you all. Here’s mine. http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B006X9C9CE
Here is my Amazon Author page
Anxious to check out all of your pages and Follow.
How fun! I just followed everyone. Here I am, http://www.amazon.com/Stephanie-A.-Collins/e/B00JYJKXT6/, and have a wonderful Wednesday! 🙂
Hi everyone,
Just checking on to say I’ve followed everyone up to here and will continue to do so. I seei so many wonderful new books to read! This is so much fun 🙂
Got everyone through here. Thanks, IU, for the opportunity. I’ll be checking later.
Hi All – followed up to here – will pop back later – meantime, here’s mine:
Julia, a woman after my own heart. I do the same, write in different genres. I think it’s a reflection on what I read as well. So eclectic. But that’s fun for me. Fun to delve into different worlds and styles. And fun to stretch myself in new ways. Good luck with your sales.
Great fest IU. Thanks. Here’s the link to my Author Page on Amazon. It took a while but I’ve followed everyone to thise point and will check for more later. Good luck and success to all. I’ll be looking for more Trouble on the Straits with my MC, Charley Manner. 🙂
Michael, just read your book blurb. My debut novel has a scuba diver too. Very different take on it, though also some action for sure with scuba diving looking for a lost ship from the Spanish Armada off the coast of Ireland. Best of luck with your work.
Yes, Diana, diving is an integral part of the story. The MC is an exNavy SEAL and dangerous action abounds in contrast to the romance and mystery in A Cry From The Deep. Still, there are common threads the ocean brings, although Charley Manner prefers the warm Carribean waters versus the North Atlantic off the coast of Ireland. Brrrr. Thanks for commenting and checking out Trouble on the Straits. BTW, the sequel underway has a working title of Deep Strait, no cries from another time, just more trouble. 🙂
Follow Fest! Yay!
Here’s mine…
Looking forward to following and being followed. Have a great day, everyone!
Hi Kaelin,
They both work 🙂
I will come back to this later today and get everyone. http://www.amazon.com/Richard-W.-Bender/e/B001KHPXGS
Hello, Been a while since I’ve been here and shared anything.
Here is mine, http://www.amazon.com/Jacqueline-Hopkins/e/B004NG62I6
Will be back later and this evening to get everyone.
Happy to be a follower 🙂
Here is my author page. My debut novel is listed and I’m excited to say the second book in the series should be available later this month. 🙂
Good luck with your launch, Susan. I know how much work is involved. 🙂
Good afternoon everyone. Here is my link.
-grin- you forgot the wwww!
Good day to everyone. Here is my link: http://www.amazon.com/author/monicasidoine
I just had to get one of your home remedy books! Fantastic.
Lots of following… to follow!
Here’s mine – http://www.amazon.com/Lynn-Sheridan/e/B01B4WT1ZC/
Followed everyone up to here. I love this community!
I think it’s great too!
This is a brilliant idea! I believe Amazon’s Follow option is every Indie’s secret weapon in the battle to become visible. Thank you! This is mine:
On my way to follow everyone else.:D
Wow – I really enjoyed this. IU writers cover a huge amount of territory. 🙂
Here’s mine. 🙂
On my way to follow everyone. 🙂
Here’s mine. Thanks for the follow!
What a neat way to get to “know” everyone. My debut novel is releasing on June 17th. It’s nice to be included in such a diverse group.
Caught up to here
Me too.
Wow! What I just’ve noticed.
I went to my profile on Amazon and found out that I am following 36 people and 0 follows me.
I was a little surprised – okay, people can skip me in this post and not follow, but everybody?! It turs out, that my privacy settings were set to “doesn’t allow customers to follow you”.
I’d never notice it if ot this thread! Thank you!
May I ask you to follow me again?
And check your privacy settings!
When I go to your page, the button says I am following you…
How do I check my Following numbers and privacy status ?
Andy, now I think there might be two different profiles – probably there is my Amazon ucer profile and Author’s profile. And I have, probably, zero followers as a user, but I don’t know how to check how much followers I do have as an author. Sorry for confusing everybody. i am not sure again, but it might be a possible explanation, because I still have 0 followers on that page.
I think you are right. I have a user profile for my Amazon account and also an author page within the same account but use a pen name. I have not been able to locate a list of followers for my author page. And to complicate things I just enabled Followers (thanks to your note here) so have zero listed. Maybe shome people here can try to follow me again?
A few hours ago I sent a Help note to Amazon from my author page asking if there is a separate Follower list associated with my Author Page and not my user account. Haven’t heard yet.
Perhaps someone at IU can investigate this twist?
I am pretty certain it is two separate things. I think people can follow your reviews which would come under your user account, not your Author Central account. Someone is already looking into it, but it doesn’t seem to be anywhere handy for authors to locate.
Hi Tanja,
Absolutely! Can you tell me what you actually clicked in privacy settings. On my profile page I can see who I’m following but not how many followers.
I clicked on the 0 followers next to the number of people I’m following. That opened a window that said something like “Oops. Your privacy settings don’t allow customers to follow you.” I clicked on a link also there that sent me to my provacy settings where I checked the box allowing followers. Clear? Meh. Maybe. Good luck.
I unchecked every option in my privacy settings + saved the page, but whenever I reopen the page they are restored. And I don’t see anywhere a label “0 Followers”.. baffled…
Log on to your Amazon account then click on your avatar/user image. A new page should open with a summary of your reviews, following and followers. It looks like this:
Helpful votes 15. Following 51 Followers 0 Edit profile
If you click on the numbers, a list opens up. In my case there are 0 Followers and thats what it says. Before I enabled Followers the message said Oops, etc. you need to allow Followers.
To do that, click on Edit profile. The check the box down near the bottom of the page that allows followers. SAVE and you’re done. I hope this works for you.
I do not think that is for your Author Central account, though. It sounds like that’s your user account. So you wouldn’t have any followers there, if that makes any sense.
I *think* that section is for people who want to follow a specific person’s reviews.
I get “Helpful votes 0. Following 50 Edit profile”
I get no “Followers 0 “
I just realized I had the same issue. Andy, I don’t know if this helps, but I had to look not on my Author Central page, but on my profile as a reviewer. That page showed that I’m following 20 people (soon to be more) but had zero followers. When I clicked on it, it was as Michael said – I had it set so people couldn’t follow. Changed now, but a day late and a dollar short….Argh.
I’m wondering the same, Kat. They’re unrelated accounts – one as an Amazon buyer/user, and one as an author. If that’s the case, I don’t know of any way to see how many people are actually following any of us.
I’m not a reviewer. I can’t find any Follower info as a buyer. I am lost….
I used to design websites, so maybe I expect them to be user-friendly and intuitive.
Thanks Michael,
I’m trying, Im just not even seeing followers to click next to the people I’m following. I understand what you are saying though.
The case of the missing Follower list continues.
It appears many auors on this thread are having difficulty finding the location of their Followers that opted to follow them via the Follow+ button underneath their photo on their Author Page.
It’s an Amazonian mystery, likely to become an ebook one day. 🙂
Seriously, it has become a chire to track down the location. The Author Central page navigation is not very helpful. I cannot find the blue menu bar that K.S. Brooks points to in her blog post (https://indiesunlimited.com/2012/05/15/amazon-com-author-central-pages/):
“If you click “profile” on the blue bar in your Author Central dashboard, it will bring up a screen with everything you need to customize your page.”
Perhaps it is my iPad? I will switch to a PC and try again.
Anyone else have any luck?
Sorry for the typos above. Can’t edit…darn.
– auors are clearly authors with a few letters missing (don’t we all suffer from that affliction?)
– chire should be chore, but it was too much for me to type correctly. 🙂
That article was written like 4 years ago. There’s no longer a blue bar, but profile is still at the top. This link will take you directly there: https://authorcentral.amazon.com/gp/profile
Thanks K.S. Unfortunately the menu does not offer a link to a Profile. Only Author Page, Books, Sales Info and Custome Reviews. No sign of a link to find out who is following. ???
Hopefully, my query to the Amazonian gids in Customer Service will enlighten me.
Any other ideas?
Did you click on the link I provide above that takes you directly to your profile?
It says “Author Page” but that is your profile.
I sent an email to amazon to see if there is a way to see your author following and was told no not at this point, but they will pass on the suggestion to keep in mind for author central.
Great info. Thanks for sharing, Laura. 🙂
Yes, I understand. When I look at my Amazon User page, there is a menu that includes my Profile. Clicking it brings up the stats on who I’m following and who is following me (as a user/customer). All the authors I’ve ‘followed’ after reading your IU post are listed, but zero Followers are listed, presumably because they opted to follow me via my Author Page not me as an Amazon customer.
We’re repeating now. I’ll wait for the Amazonian gods (not gids, … another typo, sorry) to reply to my query. Unless you or someone else at IU discovers the buried treasure map to locate our Followers. 🙂
Thanks for trying.
Okay, you’re talking USER page not AUTHOR page. Sorry, I missed that. I have never even gone to my user page. LOL
Of course 🙂
To Laura Berlin. I was typing my post and did not see yours about Amazon CS reply about the Follower list. Seems odd that they have a big button encouraging visitors to Follow authors but do not have a way to tell the authors who is following. Maybe it’s a privacy/opt-in issue? In any case, when an author updates their Author Page, all their Followers receive an email about it. I know this because just today I received one from a few of the authors I just started to follow as a result of this IU article. Better than nothing but I hope Amazon adds access to atbleastbthe number of followers.
That would be nice especially since that is now an option for their give-aways.
It’s a work in progress, I guess. I’m off to read about the ebook giveaway in Lynne Cantwell’s post now.
Book marketing is hard! I’d rather be writing the sequel to my first novel. ):
I hear you! 🙂
I know, I think it’s very strange. It doesn’t make any sense.
But I did receive the updates you were talking about also from people I started following today. So I guess, as long as it works 🙂
I still don’t get it.
Why would Author Page followers be linked to my User Account?
Makes no sense…
I agree.
It appears to be a potentially highly valuable “blind-marketing” tool but is cumbersome/impractical to use and doesn’t provide the key marketing information – WHO your audience is.
Hi Everyone, here is mine too.I have had one for a long time and you really need an author’s page if your going to sell any books at all on amazon.
Have a great day
Here’s mine: http://www.amazon.com/Lidy-Wilks/e/B018B97IL0/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0
Hi Lidy!
I love the title of your book! 🙂
Just followed.
Thank you! 😀
When you think about it, Amazon is all about control, to maintain dominance of the channel. The Follower lists provide them (and authors, indirectly) with a pool of qualified buyers that have ‘opted in’ to receive email updates. If they gave us the list, they become vulnerable to being cut out. Twitter is more generous and provide number and identity of our Followers and, of course, tell us who we are following. But they are not selling books and other stuff, right? 🙂
Okay, The Zon has us at their mercy if we want to participate. Maybe they will at least tell us the # of Followers? We’ll see. Here is a copy of the reply I received:
Message From Customer Service
I understand your concern that you wish to know the number of followers for your Author page.
I’m sorry to inform that currently we don’t share the number of followers each author or contributor has.
We appreciate your ideas; we’re always looking for ways to make our service more useful to authors.
I’ve passed your message to the Author Central development team for consideration. We rely on author input as we make future plans for Author Central.
I appreciate your patience and understanding in this situation. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
We’d appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.
Best regards,
Regarding the numbers that are provided in our Amazon User Account Profile, the number and identity of who we are Following allows us to verify that all of our collective ‘Follow+’ clicks on each other’s Author Page has stuck.
Of course, the Followers we all want and need from a book marketing perspective should be interested readers/buyers. It’s great to have support from fellow authors (some might become customers too) in any case and I would ask all of you to go to your Amazon Account Profile page and verify that you are following the three dozen or so authors here. the ‘Following’ list includes identity. Just click on the number to view it. Some of us, myself included did not check the box that allows Followers until it was pointed out here, so please visit my Author Page again and Follow.
Thanks to all for participating and learning about this together. Any news about it would be good to hear about here.
Michael, thanks for the info. The box to be checked for followers doesn’t impact your Author Central account – only your user/reviewer account, so there is no need for people to refollow. You do not have control over whether people can follow your Author Central page or not.
It is confusing, isn’t it? You are right, now that I think about the linkage between User and Author accounts (or lack of it).
Since I followed everyone when signed in to my Amazon account, My Following list resides only there. And since no one is following me as a User (despite my oustanding reviews I give. 🙂 ) my Follow list is zero.
So now I will receive, as a User/Reader, any updates made by the authors on my Following list. Good to receive if their books are on my genre-of-interest list. And we all know that authors should read ten times what they write to hone teir craft and learn from others.
It’s all good if it helps develop our audience.
So excited! I’ve found lots of new reads folling each of you and looking at your books.
Here’s my page: amazon.com/author/jerriledford
I would really appreciate the follows, and will continue to check back here to find new authors to follow.
Thanks much!
I’m following. Very impressive work, Jerri.
Thanks, one and all.