A few years ago, I detailed my first experience with using ACX to produce an audio book of my non-fiction work. While the experience was positive, I let the lure of audio books lie fallow for quite a while. I was too busy writing, apparently. But in that writing, I hit upon an idea for a paranormal mystery series, which has become quite popular, and I began to rethink the audio book format. I know the series Outlander has done very well with audio books, so I thought, why not mine? Continue reading “Audio Books: Working with a Narrator”
Month: April 2019
Michael E. Bailey Wins Flash Fiction Challenge
Michael E. Bailey is the Readers’ Choice in this week’s Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. The winning entry is decided by the popular vote and rewarded with a special feature here today. There was a tie this week, so the writer who submitted an entry first is the winner per our rules. Without further ado, here’s the winning story:
Continue reading “Michael E. Bailey Wins Flash Fiction Challenge”
Flash Fiction Writing Prompt: Sunset

Use the photograph above as the inspiration for your flash fiction story. Write whatever comes to mind (no sexual, political, or religious stories, jokes, or commentary, please) and after you PROOFREAD it, submit it as your entry in the comments section below. There will be no written prompt.
Welcome to the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge. In 250 words or less, write a story incorporating the elements in the picture at left. The 250 word limit will be strictly enforced.
Please keep language and subject matter to a PG-13 level. Continue reading “Flash Fiction Writing Prompt: Sunset”
April 2019 Writing Exercise: Dearth
Our overworked administrator is getting a well-deserved break today, so we figured you all might like to take this time to exercise your writing chops.
Therefore, here’s a writing prompt for you; do as you wish – short story, flash fiction, poem, what have you. There is no deadline or word count restriction, and no judging. Just write. (Comments are closed – write on your own.)
This week’s word: Dearth
(This is a word all writers should know. And say it out loud three times fast just for fun.)
Use it however you’d like: as the title, in a sentence, or as inspiration. Ready, set, write!