This is an ongoing series about BigAl’s first experience writing a book. Join him as he flies by the seat of his pants and figures things out as he goes. For a more complete explanation about the book and this series of posts, you can read the series introduction here.
In the introductory post to this series I promised (maybe threatened?) that some of my posts might be a sample of the work-in-process. This post is going to carry out that threat. One chapter of the book (which is a how-to for people wanting to set up a book review blog) will cover establishing a submission policy, even if that policy is that they’ll find the books to review on their own, meaning without the help of friendly and eager indie authors. The meat of this particular chapter contains the elements of a good submission policy: things like if you are willing to accept books to review from authors, publishers, or others. It’s only a portion of the chapter, but the most critical part. Continue reading “You’re Going to Write What? – Part 6”