Copyright and a Case for Why We Should

Copyrights are always something in the forefront of our collective indie publisher minds. Should we or shouldn’t we, do we have to take special steps? This overview will focus on U.S. copyright laws but I would imagine that they are similar in other countries. Toward the end of this post we’ll look at a possible copyright infringement that hits a little too close to home. Continue reading “Copyright and a Case for Why We Should”

Best of Devitt: What do we need to make it work?

Thomas Edison

[IU Contributing Author Jim Devitt is taking the week off to move some money to an offshore account or move to a different house or maybe move to the music. I’m a little foggy on the details. Anyway, here’s a selection from Jim’s greatest hits. Enjoy. – Hise]

Are you a serious writer? What does that mean, exactly?

I’m sure you are all familiar with the famous quote by Thomas Edison about invention being 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration.

If that were the case, a serious writer would not wait around to be inspired to produce their work. You would grab your lunch pail and show up at work every day to pound out 3,000 words or more. Continue reading “Best of Devitt: What do we need to make it work?”

Five Ways to Get More Out of Google+

We haven’t talked about Google+ for a while. In the past, we’ve touched on the importance of Google+ from an SEO perspective, but what about it being an actual tool for increasing exposure beyond the search engine?

Here are five things that can improve your Google+ visibility and leverage Google+ to bring more awareness to you or your writing.

1. Shling Bat schooner

If I would have labeled it Share Compelling Content, you would have skimmed right over this section. Let’s take this concept one step further and ask the question, “What is considered compelling and engaging content?” Continue reading “Five Ways to Get More Out of Google+”

Getting What You Want

Have you ever done something that seemed silly but you really hoped it worked?

I have, and I’m here to tell you all about it. It’s a little embarrassing— admitting that I actually did this and believed in it.

The month before I published my debut novel, The Card, I created a manifestation board. You know, one of those collage type of things that have a bunch of pictures of what you want to accomplish or acquire. You’ve probably heard about them in books or movies like The Secret.

Well, I did it. I cut out a bunch of pictures and words that related to life and my new writing career. The picture is proof. Continue reading “Getting What You Want”