At Last … A Plan!

We all know that marketing ourselves can be a real pain in the you-know-what. Some people love it and others wish they would never have to look at another Tweet. Anecdotal evidence here on Indies Unlimited has suggested that if you do nothing, your book sales will not slip.

Planning and Scheduling = Success

My belief is that if you have a strong platform and multiple books on the marketplace, then that might be true. However, if you are a new author or just have a single book out, then you had better find a way for people to find you.

Today, I’m sharing with you a simple method to make sense of all of this. We are going to put together an “Editorial Calendar” (fancy terminology adopted in the social media marketing business) to help you stay on track with your plan. Continue reading “At Last … A Plan!”

Deduction, Deduction … What’s Your Function?

Whether we want to admit it or not, we are running a business with our writing. Sure, some consider it a hobby, but if you are paying expenses and receiving income, then no matter how big or small, you’ve got yourself a business.

Is this a Deduction?

Last week, I gave you an overview of what your options are in regards to establishing a corporation. Today, we will focus on ways to leverage the advantages to being self-employed. It doesn’t matter whether you incorporate or remain a sole proprietor, all the tips today apply to both. I hope this will serve as a nice checklist for you when sitting down to do taxes. Continue reading “Deduction, Deduction … What’s Your Function?”

What Kind of Business Is My Writing Business?

One thing for sure here at Indies Unlimited: you never know what I’m going to blog about next. As indie authors and publishers, we need to fine-tune our businesses. Everything from cover art to social media is fair game as we build our platforms and ultimately our enterprises.

Most of us in this field have jumped in with both feet. Maybe we are working a “real” job on the side or have turned a hobby into a business. It’s hard enough for us to write daily, edit, revise and build our business; we sometimes overlook the implications for the dollars that we earn. Continue reading “What Kind of Business Is My Writing Business?”

How To Let Others Know That You Are The Author

As Indie Authors, we struggle to become more than a name in the crowd. We do this through Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Goodreads and more. The largest complaint about the indie publishing world is how can we get ourselves noticed among the millions of authors uploading garbage every day.

Today, I’m going to share with you one tip and a cool little trick. The best part is—it works. Continue reading “How To Let Others Know That You Are The Author”