Please Don’t Feed the Animals

Please do not feed the animalsWhen you read that sign at the zoo, you don’t feed the animals, right? It’s in everyone’s best interest, right? Well here’s our sign:


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Remember, we’re here to help you. Please make that a pleasant experience for us all. You can find the submissions guidelines here.

Reavis Z. Wortham Announces New Release

Burrows: Book Two in the Red River Mystery Series Author Reavis Z. Wortham is pleased to announce the release of his new mystery novel, Burrows.

Lyndon B. Johnson is President in 1965, Beatlemania is in overdrive and gasoline costs 30 cents a gallon when Ned Parker retires as constable in Center Springs, Texas. But his plan to live a quiet life as a cotton farmer will soon change. A phone call leads Ned to a body in the Red River and the discovery rips him out of retirement to help his nephew, the newly elected constable Cody Parker. Together they work to head off a multi-state killing spree that sets northeast Texas on fire.

Burrows: Book Two in the Red River Mystery Series was released on July 7, 2012 by Poisoned Pen Press. It is available on, Barnes & Noble and Booksamillion.

“Wortham combines the gonzo sensibility of Joe R. Lansdale and the elegiac mood of To Kill a Mockingbird to strike just the right balance between childhood innocence and adult horror.” – Starred Review — Publishers Weekly

Devon Marshall Announces New Release

Dante's Awakening Author Devon Marshall is pleased to announce the release of her romantic thriller, Dante’s Awakening.

The first book in a new series, Dante’s Awakening follows the (mis)adventures of Dante Sonnier, a successful Hollywood agent and friend to the secret community of vampires living in Los Angeles. When the Children of Judas, a two-thousand-year-old sect of murderous, rebel vampires shunned by their own kind, rise up and threaten to expose the whole community, Dante travels to a small town in upstate California to investigate on the vampire leader’s behalf. Just to complicate matters, she is accompanied by Ellis Kovacs, a beautiful, sexy, and thoroughly stubborn vampire determined to seduce Dante…

Dante’s Awakening was released in May 2012 by Untreed Reads. It is available on, Amazon UK and Barnes and Noble as an e-book.

L. Leander Announces New Release

INZAREDAuthor L. Leander is pleased to announce the release of her new young adult historical fiction book, INZARED, Queen of the Elephant Riders.

Bertha Maude Anderson was born in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. Raised on a small farm, she lived a hard life far-removed from everything she craved. Misunderstood by her parents, her only confidante her brother Ezra, Bertha yearned for excitement. A Gypsy circus came to town and her world changed forever.

Coaxed into joining the Romanoff Brothers Circus, Bertha’s name was changed to INZARED, Queen of the Elephant Riders. She learned to ride Cecil, the elephant, and the two forged an unbreakable bond. Inzared fell in love, learned to co-exist with the Gypsies, solved a mystery and grew into a woman, all the while searching for the life she had always dreamed of.

INZARED, Queen of the Elephant Riders was released on June 27, 2012. It is available on as an e-book.