Renee Pierce Williams Announces New Release

Author Renee Pierce-Williams is pleased to announce the release of her new book, Buck, the Good Doog. The book was illustrated by her daughter Shelby Renee Williams.

Renee says, “Shelby brings Buck the Good Doog to life with her love for animals and her artistic ability. Each image in the book is hand painted. There are no computer-generated illustrations. Because Shelby grew up knowing and loving Buck, she was the obvious choice to be the illustrator for this book. No one else could have painted a more accurate depiction of the main character. As a writer and her mother, I am truly honored to have worked with her on this project.” Continue reading “Renee Pierce Williams Announces New Release”

Author Tom Szollosi Announces the Release of “Dead Set on Tuesday”

Dead Set on TuesdayHomicide detective Louie Wall must stop drug mule Wagner W. Curry’s vendetta against the smugglers who tried to kill him a year ago, on Fat Tuesday. Curry survived, thanks to a large, unexpected rescuer named Jackie Del Fain. They forge an uneasy alliance–Curry to kill those who targeted him, Jackie to avenge a sister’s overdose death. To Louie, defending members of “The Coke Machine” from a killer striking every Tuesday is ironic but necessary: among Curry’s targets is Louie’s own son. As cop and killer play a high-stakes mind game, they’re both DEAD SET ON TUESDAY.

This independently published book has been available for less than three weeks, and can be purchased exclusively as an Amazon Kindle Select title for $3.99. Amazon Prime members can also “borrow” the book from Amazon’s Kindle Lending Library, free of charge. Click here to learn more.

Tom Szollosi has written five produced motion pictures and more than one hundred hours of television. DEAD SET ON TUESDAY is his fifth novel. He has taught screenwriting at UCLA Extension. He lives in Los Angeles with his family.


Author Warren Murphy Announces His New Title “Fifty Shades of Stupid”

Fifty Shades of StupidWarren Murphy, whose books and stories have sold fifty million copies worldwide, has just released a new title: Fifty Shades of Stupid.

Fifty Shades of Stupid is Murphy’s response to E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey, and is written under the pseudonym “Poupon Grey.” The book was released on May 24, 2012 by Destroyer Books and already has five-star reviews:

“… 50 Shades of Stupid is a hilarious analysis of the momporn phenom known as 50 shades of Grey. I found myself laughing out loud the whole time I read this short but trenchant gem. Highly recommended!”

“There are a lot of “50 Shades” parodies out there now. This is not one of them. Instead, this is … more of a review. It provides 20 points about how the book is dumb, and 30 examples of the book’s worst writing. If you know someone who likes the book, this could be used as a conversational guide to engage in them in debate, and/or to show them the error of their ways. It highlights the book’s most laughable atrocities in a funny, conversational way. In any case, it’s definitely worth the 99 cents.”

“Well, this 99 cents was worth it, about 99 belly laughs at a penny apiece. I am now satisfied that i have caught up to today’s cultural phenomenon without having to read the original…”

Fifty Shades of Stupid is available for Kindle on

Warren Murphy is author of over 200 books, including the Trace series and the long-running satiric adventure, The Destroyer. He has written for the movies and television: Lethal Weapon 2, The Eiger Sanction, Remo Williams, and Murphy’s Law. For more information on Warren, visit his Author Page or his website.

Happy Birthday Mark Coker

Founder of the Feast, Mark Coker

Once upon a time, Mark and his wife Lesleyann wrote a novel about daytime dramas (soap operas). Despite having a top tier New York lit agent, they were unable to elicit any interest from the traditional publishing houses. So, in 2008, Mark founded Smashwords  to accelerate the death spiral of the bloated, inefficient, out-dated publishing industry—or as he put it:  “to change the way books are published, marketed and sold.”

One cannot help but wonder if the indie author movement would be what it is today had his and Lesleyann’s novel, Boob Tube, been picked up by any of the publishers to whom it was shopped. That sounds like a good idea for an alternative reality novel. I wonder if Random Penguin, or whoever, would be interested in that idea for a book? Probably not. They don’t like ideas at Random Penguin.

Anyway, thanks to Mark Coker making Lamborghinis out of lemons, there is a vibrant indie author movement. Today is the gentleman’s birthday. What better way to celebrate it than to buy a copy of the book that started it all?

Boob Tube

Welcome to Boob Tube, a novel that takes readers behind the scenes of the wild and wacky world of daytime television soap operas.

When Actress Gina Martin lands a role on a top daytime soap, she soon discovers herself immersed in a strange but exciting world filled with mystery, intrigue and danger. Days after she joins the cast, her predecessor is found dead in the Hollywood hills. Will Gina be next?

Boob introduces a cast of characters inspired by real soap opera industry insiders.

As research for the novel, Lesleyann Coker (a former reporter for Soap Opera Weekly Magazine) and her husband Mark performed in-depth interviews with dozens of soap opera industry insiders who dished stories stranger than fiction. The authors wove their stories into Boob Tube. Enjoy!

Boob Tube is available on Smashwords.