The Making of Bad Book (Part 3)

The final installment of the epic micro-miniseries mockumentary of the making of what some call, “One of the books I have read.”

If you watch no other micro-miniseries mockumentaries this season, you MUST watch the dramatic nail-biting, life-on-the-razor’s-edge, full contact, rock-em-sock-em, intellectual seizure manifested in this episode! Will there be a cliffhanger? You’ll have to watch to see! Will there be a special offering for “The Women of Indies Unlimited” calendar? Watch to find out! Will Mader be fully clothed throughout? Brace yourself!

In this action-packed episode: Mader recounts how one weekend with Timothy Leary changed his life forever (or it may have been Tiny Tim, but definitely someone named “Tim”). Kat Brooks talks about her days as a pole-dancing hitwoman for the New Jersey Mob. Hise rocks out, playing inna-gadda-da-vida on his electric tuba. [some of these scenes may have been cut to make room for commercial messages]

Bad Book is available at Amazon. Get it before it gets you.

DISCLAIMER: This product is intended for use as directed only. Do not attempt to snort, huff, or inject Bad Book.  If Bad Book is accidentally ingested, please contact your local poison control center—those folks can always use a good laugh.

When reading Bad Book, do not—under any circumstances—touch the red button. Just don’t.



Indies Unlimited Welcomes Lin Robinson to the Team

Author Lin Robinson

Indies Unlimited is proud and pleased to announce that multi-talented Lin Robinson will be joining the crew here as a monthly contributor. You may remember Lin from his excellent series here on Indies Unlimited in which he decontructed, dismantled, and otherwise laid waste to some of the more spurious rumors, rules, and false idols of writing wisdom.

Born in Occupied Japan, schooled in Asia, now a 20 year resident of Latin America, Linton Robinson’s status as a born outsider is reflected in his books.

Robinson worked as journalist for years, winning awards and placing articles in top American magazine and newspaper markets. This was followed by a brief career as a photographer, also with credits in top markets. He then moved into mailorder catalogs, with noted success, before switching to newspapers in Mexico and Guatemala.

His syndicated columns “Flesh Wounds” and “Weekend Warrior” were cult favorites in the nineties.

He is currently working on novels and screenplays and doing videos.

See his personal website at

Making of Bad Book Part 2

This is part 2 of the ugly truth behind the pretty lie behind the true but entirely fictional story of the nefarious yet delightful and somehow oddly musical collaboration that lead to the writing of Bad Book. You know, it takes a great deal of words to say a very long thing like that. You’re welcome.

In this episode, Kat helps JD fight a mysterious rash that threatens the very fabric of the space-time continuum, and Stephen sends a message to JD about a looming deadline. Erica yields to Kyle’s advances before learning he is actually the evil twin brother of her lost ex-husband’s father in law, and Antrobus learns an important lesson about sharing. Some of those scenes may have been cut to make room for commercials.

DISCLAIMER: This product is intended to be dry-cleaned only.


Introducing Indies Unlimited After Hours Features

You’re up late and you’ve already read all the great daily content on Indies Unlimited. What’s an insomniac to do? Watch another re-run of Seinfeld? Heaven forfend!

Indies Unlimited is here to help. Our new After Hours is a group of features that will run at 11:00 PM Pacific Time on the blog. If you’re not reading one, then write one up and submit it or, better yet, do both.


Story Time

Story Time is an opportunity for writers to showcase their short stories of 1200 words or less. Stories will run with author photo and link to the author’s blog or website. All stories must be appropriate for a PG-13 type audience.

Rhyme or Reason

Guests may submit poetry for this feature. Poems of all types up to 30 lines on any topic appropriate for a PG-13 audience will be considered.  These features will run with a photo of the author and a link to the author’s website or blog.

Airing of Grievances

This is a humor feature (up to 500 words) in which guests place a snarky or witty spin on something that bothers them, in the world of writing or the world at large. Feature will run with a picture of the author and a link to the author’s website or blog.

These features will run 2-3 times per week according to volume of submissions. See the submissions page for details.