Seventeen-Year-Old Author Announces New Release

the scrolls of xavierSeventeen-year-old author John Ashley is pleased to announce the release of his new science-fiction/action-adventure novel: The Scrolls of Xavier.

In order to shed light upon the dangerous secrets of the vast, new planet, Xavier997, Captain Michael Dawn must go across its globe to recover five ancient artifacts whose purpose and creators are unknown. The path to these items is wrought with every danger Xavier can throw at him, including the primitive, yet cunning tribes of aliens that defend them. If he cannot overcome these challenges then the Scrolls will never be found.

Without the Scrolls, Xavier will be lost. With them, it might be even worse.

The Scrolls of Xavier was released on September 11, 2012 and is available from Amazon US, Amazon UKBarnes and Noble and Smashwords.

Elisabeth Grace Foley Announces New Release

The Silver Shawl Author Elisabeth Grace Foley is pleased to announce the release of her new historical mystery novelette: The Silver Shawl.

In a small town in turn-of-the-century Colorado, a young woman has disappeared from the boarding-house where she lives. Her distraught fiancé is certain that she must have been kidnapped. But the case takes a new turn when a city detective appears on the scene, looking for a woman who matches the description of the missing girl. Was Charity really kidnapped, or did she have a reason to flee? Mrs. Meade, a gentle but shrewd widow lady who lives across the hall in the boarding-house, feels that there is something wrong with the story of Charity’s disappearance…but can she unravel the mystery before it is too late?

The Silver Shawl was released on October 6, 2012 and is available from Amazon US, Amazon UKBarnes and Noble and Smashwords.

Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Dick Waters

Dick Waters is the winner of our weekly Flash Fiction competition. Congratulations to Dick, and thanks to everyone who participated – excellent entries!

The winning entry is rewarded with a special feature here today and a place in our collection of winners which will be published as an e-book at year end.

Without further ado, here’s the winning entry: Continue reading “Congrats to Flash Fiction Winner Dick Waters”

New: Careful What You Wish For

Would that be Sexy Vampires, Ghostly Thrills, Paranormal Exploits, Zombies or the Grimm Reaper himself? Well you just may get it!

Join six authors for a wicked Anthology written to support a good cause.

If you’ve had your fill of tricks, get ready for a treat. The proceeds go to support the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

Kudos to the authors involved in championing this project: Mina J. Moore, Michelle Matkins, Karli Rush, Jennifer Cowsert, Laura Martinez, and Susanna C. Mahoney. Continue reading “New: Careful What You Wish For”