Why I Write About Women by Terry L. White

I had a comment the other day that I tend to write about women. I am not sure if this was a complaint or an accolade. I am a woman, and while some folks say a female should not even attempt to write from the male point of view – when in point of fact Stephen King proved otherwise in Rose Red and Dolores Claiburn – I am drawn to illuminating the woman’s lot.

It seems to me that there is a body of history written by half of the participants in any given era. Men go off to war and have the big adventures in their life, and when they are old, they write about the glory parts and never mention the women who stayed behind. This is right and proper, but that old saying about a good woman standing behind a successful man is true. Women do a lot – and deserve to have their stories told, no matter how humble, as part of a larger story. Continue reading “Why I Write About Women by Terry L. White

My Jewish Journey—Promoting to a Niche Audience by Erica Manfred

Author Erica Manfred

When I published Interview with a Jewish Vampire I thought it would be easy to promote. After all, it was a funny book about old Jewish ladies becoming vampires. Jews are big readers, right. All I had to do was find the Jewish, and specifically old Jewish lady, audience. Since I was one of them I figured it wouldn’t be too hard. Ha! Promoting fiction is hard, niche or no.

When the book came out I needed a kick start so I hired Wendy, a Jewish publicist. She was recommended by a colleague who wound up very pleased with her services. Wendy sent out a press release to her Jewish list and contacted five “influencers” as she called them for $500 which she said was a big bargain. She usually charges a lot more to do publicity, which I don’t doubt since I know a publicist who charges thousands PER MONTH. What was I thinking??? $500. That’s a huge amount of money for me with no guarantee of anything. Continue reading “My Jewish Journey—Promoting to a Niche Audience by Erica Manfred”

Story Time: Susanna Mahoney

He came upon a medieval castle…

The Red-Haired Man

by Susanna Mahoney

There was once a lad the villagers nicknamed The Red-Haired Man. He would only come out when he heard a mortal was in trouble. It was rumoured that he was half creature and half-human. His mother had been an Irish lassie of the fairest beauty in the land. She disappeared in the midst of the twilight hours one St. Patrick’s Day, leaving behind a baby boy with shocking red hair, all wild with curls upon curls and eyes as green as the Emerald Isle itself. The village Healer knew this infant was of special quality and she quickly took him under her care. Continue reading “Story Time: Susanna Mahoney

Tips for Better Google Search Results Using SEO Part 2 by Jen Smith

SICK by Jen SmithThanks for tuning in for Part II of ‘Get better Google search results with SEO’. If you missed Part I you can find it here. What comes up when you Google your name and your book? Anything? Try mine, if you’d like – Google: Jen Smith SICK. I come up in eight of the top ten listings most of the time and my book and blog have only been out since mid February. How does this happen? I’m going to share with you some of the top trade secrets that have been shared with me by Scott Wasserman of WSI Internet Marketing. Continue reading “Tips for Better Google Search Results Using SEO Part 2 by Jen Smith”