You Asked For It: Melody Stiles (part 2)

This is the second of two posts in response to the topic raised by Melody Stiles for discussion here at Indies Unlimited, to wit:

“Why is there still such a stigma, even among writers, about self-publishing?”

Last week I opined about the manner in which the self/vanity publishing scams of olden tymes (a few years ago) have left a legacy of sleaziness that is still applied today to “Indie” publishing, even by some writers. Continue reading “You Asked For It: Melody Stiles (part 2)”

You Asked For It: Renee Pierce Williams

Indies Unlimited reader Renee Pierce Williams asks: “Who to choose and why? When self-publishing, who do you choose? What is the most cost effective route to take and why? Will they be able to provide hardcover, softcover and e-book formats?”

As the indie publishing industry evolves, the answer to this question becomes seemingly more complex. Watch this space for updated articles detailing the most common and profitable platforms for indie publishing. Meanwhile, check out our resource page I’ve Written a Book, How Do I Publish It. Thank you.

You Asked for It: Matt Valenti

Indies Unlimited reader Matt Valenti asks, “My book is a political satire ideal for promoting during the election. Unfortunately, my marketing is entirely from scratch and I’m brand new at this. I want to strike while the iron’s hot but I’m not sure what marketing activities to focus my energies on the most considering my limited time. Thanks for any advice!”

Well, Matt, great question. We’ve had several posts about marketing over the past few months. However, what you ask about is a very different animal compared to the “traditional” (I laugh as I type that, what is traditional in Indie publishing?) long-term marketing plan discussed previously. Continue reading “You Asked for It: Matt Valenti”

You Asked for It: Melody Stiles

A while back, Indies Unlimited ran a post asking readers if there were topics they would like to see discussed here. The one I chose to address comes from Melody Stiles, who asks:

“Why is there still such a stigma, even among writers, about self-publishing?”

I’d figured I would take a stab at this one, as I can admit “self-publishing” does carry a bit of a stigma for me, or at least it does under that name. Continue reading “You Asked for It: Melody Stiles”