Claiming Your Book to Your Author Central Page Part 1

Recently I’ve noticed that a lot of authors have released a lot of books. My powers of perception are amazing, aren’t they? I know, I know, it gives me chills, too. In any case, another thing I’ve noticed is that authors with multiple books seem to have lost interest in their Author Central page. Their first two or three books will be listed, but then after that – those books are left to languish on their own without the comfort and camaraderie of the other books on that cozy Author Central page.

Claiming a book to an Author Central page is quick and easy. There are, in fact, two ways to do it. Allow me to show you how.

The first way (which I’m not convinced actually works) doesn’t even require you to log in to your Author Central account. Convenient. Just go to your Author Central page and scroll to the bottom. That is where you will see this:

Continue reading “Claiming Your Book to Your Author Central Page Part 1”

Yet Another Numbers Game

In the last few weeks Indies Unlimited has crashed through a significant barrier in the world of internet traffic. Our Alexa ranking has fallen below the six figure mark and currently stands at 67,049*. Whoop de woo, totes amazeballs! (It’s a phrase used by young people, M’lud). Ok, I know most of you glazed over just then, and quite right too, but I’m going to explain what’s going on and why it’s worth understanding.

If you’re anything like me, you are forever reading about new ways to promote your book. Since the explosion of interest in Indie authors, there’s been a parallel explosion of people/businesses/websites/blogs clamouring for your time, attention and sometimes your money. (Can you have a parallel explosion? Maybe not. My metaphors go to pot when I’m excited.) Continue reading “Yet Another Numbers Game”

Generating a Discount Coupon on CreateSpace

Well, I guess this week is Createspace week! Yesterday we have a post by our Dick Waters showing us how easy it is to create your own print title with CreateSpace. And, tomorrow, we’re having a CreateSpace like-fest!

Authors know that selling a book directly through CreateSpace (CS) yields a much higher royalty than selling through So then, how do you entice readers to purchase your book through CreateSpace? Offer them a discount coupon. Maybe that sounds crazy, BUT, usually the difference in royalties is large enough that you have at least a couple dollars’ worth of room to move, so a discount code could help sell print books and make you a better profit! Continue reading “Generating a Discount Coupon on CreateSpace”

Creating a Book’s Sell Sheet

Many, many years ago, back when we were still using stone tablets and chisels to write, my first novel was published. The year was 2001. That was also when I created my first “sell sheet.”

A book sell sheet (or book one-sheet, as some people call it) is designed to provide the necessary information to people who would buy your book. This is not for consumers, however, it targets buyers at book stores, libraries, other retailers, and wholesalers. These people want quick facts about your book, without schmaltz. Save that dazzling salesy stuff for consumers.

The main things these buyers want to know are: Continue reading “Creating a Book’s Sell Sheet”