Future of Ink Top 10 Self-Publishing Blog Contest

Ellen Britt and Denise Wakeman have announced their inaugural contest to find the Top 10 Best Self-Publishing Blogs. On their blog, The Future of Ink, they write:

“We need your help to find the ‘best of the best’ blogs specifically for online entrepreneurs who are looking for information about self-publishing. To that end we’re launching a contest and invite you to nominate your favorite blog for self-publishers.”

To be eligible, a blog must be nominated by multiple people. Nominations are open until  November 16, 2012.

Entrants will be evaluated based on:

1) the quality of their content;

2) the frequency of their posts;

3) reader involvement; and,

4) their blog’s ranking.

If you’d like to nominate Indies Unlimited (and we would appreciate that) you can do so in the comment thread on the Future of Ink Blog. Winners will be announced in mid December.

Video Trailer: Deviations

deviationsFormer police detective Karen Seagate is drinking herself to oblivion and having dangerous sex with losers from the bar when the new police chief tracks her down. It seems there were problems with her departure. A high-profile murder gives Seagate a chance to work as a detective again … but the new chief is one for the rules, and Seagate has too many deviations from official protocol. These deviations might get her fired. They might also get her killed. But she’s determined they’ll help her find the killer.



Deviations, the detective novel by Mike Markel, is available from Amazon.comand Amazon UK.

Autograph your Kindle? Sure!

An author friend of mine, Jack London—no, not the dead guy— Jack Woodville London came up with a unique idea: if you can show him that you have his books your Kindle, he’ll autograph a cute little cotton bag silkscreened with his books on it. Adorable, and just the right size for a Kindle or smaller tablet. But I asked him what he did when someone in another part of the country or world wanted his autograph. His reply: “Come see me!”

Not all of us can afford to hop a private jet somewhere to do a signing. So for those of us who can’t just be everywhere at once, here’s a neat idea: Kindlegraph. It’s a FREE service offered that allows readers to connect with their favorite authors and get an “autograph” for their Kindle books. How does this work? Continue reading “Autograph your Kindle? Sure!”

Weekly Flash Fiction Poll

Time for IU readers to decide who will be this week’s winner in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

You can check out this week’s entries here. The entrants did a great job with the writing prompt and the merciless constraints of the exercise.  Vote for your fave and then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word that the vote is on.

Who penned your favorite flash fiction entry in this week's competition?

  • Chris James (39%, 26 Votes)
  • Jacqueline Hopkins (31%, 21 Votes)
  • yezall (10%, 7 Votes)
  • Eva Gallant (4%, 3 Votes)
  • Mandy White (4%, 3 Votes)
  • paulashene (4%, 3 Votes)
  • Dave Stone (4%, 3 Votes)
  • Beth Shelly (1%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 67

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