Ultimate Indie How-To

You are an indie author enjoying typical indie success. You spent a few bucks having your book professionally edited, sprang for a professionally designed eye-catching cover, and you took the precaution of paying to have the book professionally formatted for multiple platforms. It’s been available from the biggest bookseller in the whole world for over a year now and you have raked in $9.72. That leaves you a little over $400 in the hole. At least a few thousand people downloaded it when it was free, right? You got two reviews out of that.

It may be that your book about time-traveling vampire elves who solve murder cases is the exemplar of its genre. You’ve followed all the advice, building your back catalog. Now you have three books out in the Time-Traveling Vampire Elf Murder Mysteries. It seems that no one cares. You’re still getting jack squat. You’re probably a book or two away from writing yourself into the poorhouse. Continue reading “Ultimate Indie How-To”

Video Trailer: The Corpses of Old Farm Hill Road

He wakes up every morning knowing the world owes him something. Every woman was created for his demand, except for Vanessa Roundtree and her mother. Once lured onto their farm in the middle of nowhere he becomes their prey. As they torment his body, they break down his arrogance. Will he be able to escape? Or will he become just another of the corpses of Old Farm Hill Road?



The Corpses of Old Farm Hill Road, the horror short story by Tabitha Short, is available through Amazon.com, Amazon UK, and Smashwords.

No Writing Allowed

KSBrooks at Mesa Verde
Or you could just go somewhere with no internet and no electricity.

Let’s face it, writing a book is hard work. You might even break a sweat, or pop a cog in your brain. Who wants to do that? So, enter November – NaNoWriMo – National No Writing Month. This is one month where we authors, writers and scribes can legitimately rest our brains from the toils of our literary efforts. I know, I know, it won’t be easy – so here are some tips to keep yourself from writing that book without losing your edge.

#1 – Committees and meetings are an excellent way to prevent progress on any level. So, form a committee for your book! Find a bunch of people who also write and invite them to your own Yahoo!, Facebook, or Goodreads group. If you can actually get them to pay attention to anything you have to say in between announcements of their free eBooks and basic spamming, you might get some input. That input will probably spark a discussion. That discussion will most likely get sidetracked onto the subject of kittens or television shows. See? It works. Continue reading “No Writing Allowed”

Weekly Flash Fiction Voting

Time for IU readers to decide who will be this week’s winner in the Indies Unlimited Flash Fiction Challenge.

You can check out this week’s entries here. The entrants did a great job with the writing prompt and the merciless constraints of the exercise.  Vote for your fave and then use those share buttons at the bottom of the post to spread the word that the vote is on.

Who wrote the best Pup O' Lantern Story?

  • Dick C Waters (72%, 23 Votes)
  • K.R. Morrison (19%, 6 Votes)
  • A. L. Kaplan (6%, 2 Votes)
  • Julianna (Bella) Doerres (3%, 1 Votes)
  • Lisa Thomison (0%, 0 Votes)
  • S Shantz (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 32

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