Meet the Author: Delin Colón

Delin Colón is a writer and researcher with an undergraduate background in French and a post-graduate background in Clinical Psychology. She began writing poems and short stories at the age of eight. After working in psychiatric settings, owning a construction company, starting an agency pairing writers with clients, and working as a technical writer for … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Delin Colón”

Featured Author: Erica Manfred

Erica Manfred is a freelance journalist, humorous essayist, and author of two self-help books, and one novel, INTERVIEW WITH A JEWISH VAMPIRE, published in 2011. Her non fiction book, He’s History You’re Not: Surviving Divorce After Forty was published by Globe Pequot Press in 2009. Her articles and essays have appeared in Cosmopolitan, The New … Continue reading “Featured Author: Erica Manfred”

When is an author really an author? by Jen Smith

Just because I’ve written a book and it’s available on, does that mean I’m an author? I’ve labeled myself many things before, student, groupie, investment analyst, felon (not convicted), space shot, mom, but never author. In my social network obsessive plight I’ve begun interacting with other authors in forums where I am supposedly an … Continue reading “When is an author really an author? by Jen Smith”

Other Influences on Authorial Style – by Joe T Velikovsky

Stephen Hise posted a really great question here about The Influence of Personality on Authorial Style  – and it really got me thinking. I’m paraphrasing now, but Stephen’s (excellent) point was, as an Author – can you put your attitude towards the world into your Storyworld? (i.e. Optimist, Pessimist, Skeptic, Cynic or Realist/Pragmatist…) It’s an … Continue reading “Other Influences on Authorial Style – by Joe T Velikovsky”