In case you haven’t figured it out by now, you are probably not going to make a lot of money from creative writing. If you do, send me some. But you probably won’t. So, this brings us to a conundrum…how are you going to pay your rent and bills? Well, I suggest selling cocaine. It is a compact product and the profit margin is really high. You might get murdered or put in jail, but life is about risk. I don’t like risk, so I freelance. If you’re a pussy like me, you might want to consider it.
Getting it Right: Dying (part 1 of 3)

by Carolyn Steele
So, your character has to die. You want to get it right but, short of hanging around mortuaries and hoping the smell doesn’t put you off your lunch, death isn’t that easy to research. Watching old episode of House will just lead you into the traps that have medical types throwing their stethoscopes at the TV screen, so here is a short series of tips and pointers for getting fatality right. Continue reading “Getting it Right: Dying (part 1 of 3)”
Worldbuilding – by Steve Umstead

I’ve been asked several times what the most fun part of being an author is. Is it the vast riches? The adoring fans? The private jets? The high class parties?
Well, no. But if you see any of those, please steer them my way.
After thinking about it, I realized the most fun part of being an author is being able to create worlds. In my case, writing in the science fiction genre, I believe it’s even more fun, as I get to play with today’s technologies and settings, and naturally extrapolate them into the future. Continue reading “Worldbuilding – by Steve Umstead”
Wanted: Free eBooks!
If you’ve got a free ebook – we want to know!
This is how it works: Each Thursday, we will put up a post like this one, calling for anyone who has a book to give away for FREE should provide ONLY the following in the comment section below:
1. Book title
2. Author name
3. A one sentence blurb
4. A link to download the book
The book must be free to anyone who clicks over to the link – not just Special Secret Squirrel Club members or whatever. You know who you are.
On Friday morning, we will randomly select five of these titles to post in the Freebie Friday Frenzy, a special vitamin-fortified post which will include book covers, link and blurb.
So let’s give it a try, shall we? Please make sure to follow the RULES above. Now, go ahead and tell the world about your free eBook: