Smashwords Kicks Off “Read an E-Book” Week!

Smashwords LogoRead an Ebook Week starts Sunday, so please click to the home page to enroll your books now. Here’s a direct link to the promotion.

Smashwords is going to give it heavier than usual promotion this year with an email blast to all registered Smashwords members (a very BIG number), so please enroll now. The sale starts Sunday and ends at the 11:50pm Saturday evening, Pacific time.


Personal Appearance Troubleshooter

K. S. Brooks Reading from "Night Undone"
K. S. Brooks Reading from "Night Undone"

Last week I wrote about begrudingly participating in a public event. If you missed that post, you can read it here. Yes, I was a good girl, telling you all the reasons why you should pony up and “just do it.” Well, this week, I get to tell you how I really feel.

Many things can go wrong at an event. MANY. Unforeseen challenges, faux pas, wardrobe malfunctions and more are all a possibility. It’s best if you’re prepared, of course.  Here are some product suggestions which will help you prevent a number of heinous scenarios. Continue reading “Personal Appearance Troubleshooter”

Everyone Has a Story

Everyone has a story. I’m not talking about a fictional tale they can create. I’m referring to the story of their real lives, the experiences and difficulties they have faced or are in the midst of.

Everyone has one – a story. It’s often my first thought when someone shares the painful parts of their life with me. The more I connect with people the more this truth become apparent. It happens a lot. Maybe that means I’m a good listener. I like to think I’m also a good observer.

The majority of the general population is extroverted, or so the experts tell me – as high as 90% in North America according to some profiles. So these people will, in all likelihood show the effects of their ‘story’ mostly in their overt behaviours, in observable ways. We may not know what their stories are unless they tell us but they tend to act it out more than think it out. Continue reading “Everyone Has a Story”

2012 Anderbo Self-Published Book Award

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2012 Anderbo Self-Published Book Award.

Any currently-available self-published fiction or nonfiction book or e-book is eligible.

The winner receives $500 cash, announcement on the Anderbo web site and publication of a book-excerpt on

There is a $20 reading fee. Entries must be postmarked by October 15, 2012.

For more information please visit the Anderbo website.

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