Meet the Author: David Antrobus

Author David Antrobus says that what sets his style apart is his flagrant disregard for any sense of decorum or discipline whatsoever. He says his writing is more Capote than Cormac—more Houellebecq than Hemingway. He also went on to say it is the  literary equivalent of Casablanca-meets-Spinal Tap. Knowing David as I do, I’d have … Continue reading “Meet the Author: David Antrobus”

Meet the Author: Kristen James

Kristen says she has always been passionate about stories and took up writing at a young age. Many of her early novels, back in middle school, were actually rewrites of her  favorite movies. “Of course I didn’t see that until later on! I rewrote The Swiss Family Robinson into The Island Tribe, a story about … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Kristen James”

Meet the Author: Lili Tufel – with exclusive surprise announcement!

Author Lili Tufel writes fast-paced nonstop action. She says,  “If I’m bored, then I know my readers are bored. If I’m feeling a rush of excitement then I know my readers will have their pulse racing. Sand is full of surprises that surprised me as I wrote them. The shock ending was my favorite, what … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Lili Tufel – with exclusive surprise announcement!”

Meet the Author: Robert F. DeBurgh

Author Robert DeBurgh calls his writing style descriptive. “I try to imagine myself in the situation of the character I’m writing about and decide how I would handle that situation. I don’t use much in the way of allegory or metaphor,” he says. Bob’s uncle and aunt, Charles and Doretta Cross were both professional pilots … Continue reading “Meet the Author: Robert F. DeBurgh”