Meet the Author: Ressa Empbra

Author Ressa Empbra

Ressa Empbra says of her writing, “I have to have coffee, peace, quiet, and my MacBook. It sounds weird but I lay my head back in my leather-chair, close my eyes and let the words flow from my mind, down my arms, out of my fingertips, and onto my keyboard. It’s like having a movie playing inside my head and I don’t know what will happen until it does. Some writers make a story-board, outlines, stuff like that, and I’m sure it works well for them. But, I can’t work that way, not when I haven’t ‘seen’ what will happen next.”

She says her characters feel like they truly are a part of her from the beginning, so she gives them free reign to do as they please. “They do get into trouble from time to time,” she adds.

Ressa has some health issues which, along with medications, scramble and wipe out her memory, so her biggest writing challenge is in remembering small details.  She deals with this by making lots of notes. I do that as well, but then I forget where I put the notes. Continue reading “Meet the Author: Ressa Empbra”

Kismet by Thomasina Burke

Author Thomasina Burke

Can it be possible for someone who has never taken a writing class, or had a dream of publishing a book to actually produce a polished novel without any formal guidance? I found the answer is ”yes”, although I’m not sure I would recommend it to everyone. I am just lucky enough to have a cadre of creative friends who were willing to give or barter their services because of their belief in me. Let me tell you the story of Magic Bridge.

Almost every weekend, we head up a dirt road to a tiny little town in the mountains outside of Phoenix, Arizona. Very few know of Crown King, but we like to call it the best-kept secret in Arizona. Potential stories abound in our hamlet, and some producer is missing a great opportunity for a reality show. Continue reading “Kismet by Thomasina Burke”

Twitter Tutorial Tuesday

Author K. S. Brooks
Author K. S. Brooks

Yeah yeah, I know.  You’re on Facebook, Goodreads, Twitter, LibraryThing, Google+, LinkedIn, eHarmony and who knows what else.  If you’re like me, you’re wondering if these things are helping at all in the promotion of your book(s).

Sometimes it’s not about where you are, but “how” you are using those tools.  Here’s a tip on how you can use Twitter just a little bit better – and it’s something you only have to do once!

This is very quick and very easy. All we’re going to do is “spruce up” your profile. It’s really about making yourself more accessible – and giving people the opportunity to find out more about you in a quick and convenient fashion. Continue reading “Twitter Tutorial Tuesday”

South American Short Story Writing Contest is looking for the best possible short stories from writers located in any country. Winning prize is $100 USD and publication in Deadline is 30 March 2012. Candidates must have previous writing experience either in a print publication or on-line in a blog.

Submit entries along with links to any work you have published to [email protected]. There is no reading fee. They are interested in quality writing.

For more information, visit their website.

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Indies Unlimited is pleased to provide this contest information for the convenience of our readers.  We do not, however, endorse this or any contest/competition.  Entrants should always research a competition prior to entering.
