Meet the Author: Ressa Empbra

Author Ressa Empbra

Ressa Empbra says of her writing, “I have to have coffee, peace, quiet, and my MacBook. It sounds weird but I lay my head back in my leather-chair, close my eyes and let the words flow from my mind, down my arms, out of my fingertips, and onto my keyboard. It’s like having a movie playing inside my head and I don’t know what will happen until it does. Some writers make a story-board, outlines, stuff like that, and I’m sure it works well for them. But, I can’t work that way, not when I haven’t ‘seen’ what will happen next.”

She says her characters feel like they truly are a part of her from the beginning, so she gives them free reign to do as they please. “They do get into trouble from time to time,” she adds.

Ressa has some health issues which, along with medications, scramble and wipe out her memory, so her biggest writing challenge is in remembering small details.  She deals with this by making lots of notes. I do that as well, but then I forget where I put the notes.

Ressa’s book is not yet published, so she is positioning herself in all the usual social media just to lay the groundwork for when her novel launches. But she says she also has a few cool marketing ideas up up her sleeve. We’ll want to keep an eye on Ressa. Cool marketing ideas are always in demand.

The list of other Indie Authors she has read include: Jaz Primo, Monique O’Connor James, Kristine Cheney, Kristie Cook, Kristy Quinn, Julianne Pellegrino Grider (JP Grider), M.J. Schutte, Sinead MacDughlas, Valerie Maarten, Rue Volley, Lisa Vaughn, Joseph Davis, Brian M. Hayden, Sean Quirk, and many others.

Her advice to aspiring writers? “When you need advice – and you will – ask. There are so many awesome writers out there who are willing to impart invaluable knowledge and experiences on newbies. The online writing community happens to be the most supportive one I have ever known, they’ve all been amazingly supportive of me. Also, do your homework! Research is never a waste of time, and you never know when you’ll ‘accidentally’ find a great lil gem of information that may just help you in a big way!”

Ressa says patience is key. It is important not to rush the process. “Raising three kids taught me patience but until I began writing, I didn’t realize my famed patience was a completely different type than that required to write a novel.” Hmmm… I also raised three kids. As I recall it didn’t teach me patience so much as just wear me down.

Her novel, The Dragon Dimension – Caught in the Dragon Cove is an epic fantasy.

Working for a covert government agency, Iax travels the world… and beyond. She also journeys out of this world to other Realms in various Dimensions, which only a privileged few have knowledge of. Her job: Putting a halt to imminent battles and wars… before it’s too late.

Finding herself dropped into a heated battle in the Dragon Cove Realm of the Dragon Dimension, Iax assumes the usual; get in, get the job done, get out. Easy-peasy…

However, this mission is like no other, as it will change her life in ways she could have never imagined.

Ressa’s book is still in the works, but you can watch it forming and coming to life from her excellent blog. You can also find her Dragon Dimension group on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.


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27 thoughts on “Meet the Author: Ressa Empbra”

  1. What a great piece on this wonderful Author! Ressa is right about social media/writer groups- that's how I met her & glad I did. I've read some of her work on her blog & FB, Very talented indeed. Writing that captures the reader. Much success and good health to you, Ressa!

    1. I just figured out this 'reply' thing per post, lol.


      That, and because you're kind and respectful. I do my best in that department, lol, so I guess it all works out. Thank you, and I can't wait, either! 😀


  2. I'm looking forward to, ah what was I going to say. Oh yeah. Can't wait for the book to come out. Now I just have to remember to get it.

  3. Hey girl! Big thanks for the shout!! And you know we are all here to help support you in any way we can! You are, without a doubt, an awesome lady that deserves all the success you wish to handle!

    You are always there for us, now it's our turn! 😀

    Sending you good karma!


  4. Great interview, Ressa! I'm very proud of you, and I know that someday in the not-too-distant future, I'll see your novels on bookshelves! It's great that the sincere person that you are came out so clearly in your interview. You're such a kind, creative, and talented person! 🙂

    All the best,


  5. Having had the pleasure of beta-reading "Caught in the Dragon Cove", I have to say Ressa's done a hell of a job! Regular readers of Fantasy-fic. are in for a rare treat. 😀 I love the movies in your head, Ressa! Keep putting them into words!

    1. Thank you so much, Sinead! And you're the best beta-reader anyone could hope for! I luv the movies in my head, too, lol, hopefully they'll keep playing…

      Thank you again. 😀


  6. Great post!

    And Ressa good point re having patience. Very important indeed. But Ressa is not only a very talented writer, but also my partner in crime when it comes to drooling over nice pics 🙂

    1. Lol, Iris! But really, patience isn't something I had given any real thought to going into the writing part. I had NO idea what I was getting myself into. Still, I wouldn't go back or change a thing. I've met the most wonderful people on this journey!

      Thanx! 😀


    1. Awe, thank you, Kristine! You've always been one of the sweetest people! You're very welcome for the mention; it's the least I can do for such a deserving lot.

      I'm thrilled with how well the interview turned out, and the results have been fantastic!

      Thanx again! 😀


    1. Hey Julie. You're so kind, and I luv you for it! You are more than welcome, and I hope we all get to realize our dreams together!

      Thank you! 😀


    1. Oh my! Well thank you, Ethan, I can't wait until it's released and you can read it too! It shouldn't be much longer now, and I'll be sure the whole world knows when that day arrives, lol! 😀


  7. Yes, Yvonne, this community really is the most supportive of any I've encountered. As I mentioned, as soon as it's released, I'll be sure everyone knows! In fact, Stephen has already very kindly asked me to come back for a visit when that happens, and I'd be honored to do so.

    Thank you! 😀


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